Emotional Turbulence Full Moon Gemini in Ardra Nakshatra

image Nayla Alnaimi

image Nayla Alnaimi

Becoming Full at 14.44 degrees of Gemini in the nakshatra of Ardra. The Moon rules the emotional aspects of our mind and the mercurial Gemini governs our active intelligence. 

The ruler of Ardra is Rudra, a fierce form of Shiva who howls the pain of loss through the universe, our sleeping tears becoming awakened, activating a storm releasing tension into the atmosphere where we are ready to defend.

Ardra nakshatra is known to trigger events awakening the dissatisfaction, turbulent tension inside of us, communicating with force a clearer connection the intimate channel of our needs and rights, the questioning of our preconceived notions and ideas. What is the vision we are willing to support? What is the price of freedom we are willing to pay? What is true freedom?

The Sun and Mercury transiting in Sagittarius are freedom seeking planets they like to explore, experiment, and conquer. Mercury and the Sun are being deposited by a restricted Jupiter currently transiting Capricorn where the sign of Capricorn grants power to authority. The Moon in opposition to this is reflecting this energy, represents a dampened faith, diminished good and wise judgement and disconnect in the belief of a desirable outcome, that we are being led in a way that is in our best long term interest.

Sagittarius and Gemini are masculine dual signs that are the most volatile spaces because they actively want changes and don’t want to be stuck. The planet associated with Ardra nakshatra is Rahu, the north node of the Moon. Rahu in Taurus has a great weakness in its search of comfort a willingness to give in, in order to gain its desires without considering the consequences. Rahu is the naga Sankhapala indicating the home with a strong nesting instinct. This naga is showing us that we will be at war with the restrictions and authority figures who enforce them throughout 2021.

This Full Moon carries the capacity to be destructive. Yet if we hold to a high intention of making things better for all, we can extract the fierceness as fuel to take action for the highest good.

The planetary confluence of all the aspects on our minds is a lot, and for many, it may feel like its just too much. The risk with this is to become overwhelmed and bury our heads in the sand.

We are in a cycle within a cycle and the polarizing, injustice and the fight for truth continues. We are a few days from the beginning of Kala Sarpa Yoga, the “serpent of time”, the hemming of the planets are between Rahu and Ketu pressurizing events that occur through May. We can either succumb to fate or direct our destiny.

I send you lots of love and luck with the Full Moon Cycle

Siri Prakash

With so many changes and challenges, It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and see how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021