Edgy Resilience New Moon in Sagittarius


Edgy, rife with challenges, the first New Moon of 2021 occurs at 29.04° degrees of Sagittarius in Uttara Ashadha nakshatra. Both the Moon and the Sun are approaching Saturn adding pressure and restriction, as is the active Kala sarpa yoga  ‘’the “serpent of time”, hemming all of the planets between the signs of Scorpio and Taurus

Adjacent to the new Moon is a tense conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, all in Capricorn where we see a restriction in the distribution of information, and the control of our transactions. Where our rational mind is diminished and the nurturing nature of wisdom and guidance seems absent. 

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is a place of tension and mounting challenges, a place that grants empowerment through the application of strategy and will. The most successful fights are not won by force or firepower they are won by meeting the challenge through strategy, intelligence, and application of awareness. 

The lesson that has been delivered to our doorstep in this lunar cycle is how we combat our deep frustrations, negative feelings, and emotions that diminish our ability to engage with our logical and conscious mind so we can maneuver with skill in these dark moments. Be alert, activate your strategic self to navigate with the utmost perseverance. Be diligent, not falling prey to inverted anger. The cultivation of our vitality plays a big role in our success, it is what nourishes our mind, and our light. The first new Moon of the year lays out the year ahead and we can see this in the numerology of 2021.

Where in the year of the five our vitality of thought, our physical body, and communication are pressured to come through and shine. Our perseverance and stamina are a requirement.  Don't give in and give away your power by lowering your frequency of thought by succumbing to anger, fear, and frustration. 

I send you lots of love and luck with the New Moon cycle

Siri Prakash

With so many changes and challenges, It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and see how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021