The Power of Fear - Total Solar Eclipse December 14th


The last of the eclipses of 2020 occurs on December 14th at 28°59 Scorpio in the lunar house of Jyeshta nakshatra, the is eclipse will be visible in South America and Africa but does not diminish its effects on the earth, this is a cosmic event affecting the entire planet.

Eclipses bring growth, Solar eclipses are active for six months and have the most intensity in their first four months. They have a significant effect on the collective, where Lunar eclipses are more personally felt. This eclipse is occurring at the very end of Scorpio at what is known as the karmic knot, the crossing point of water into fire, the place we must unravel before we move on to our next step. Present in the eclipse zone is Mercury and Venus both planets of transaction and exchange. The nakshatra they fall in is what is spoiled.

The Sun is our soul, our self-authority, our government and leaders. The Moon is our perception, how we feel and experience. Ketu is a change maker the lower half of a pair, it is our guts our intuition, our flag of attachment to our past, Ketu does not care how we feel its purpose to keep us connected to our journey of dharma and of our development. Mercury and Venus are both planets of finances of transaction, exchange and Mercury rules our mind and nervous system , Venus our comforts, wealth our DNA, and Mars the depositor represents our blood, Mars is the also known as the surgeon. These are keys to consider with the roll out of a vaccine.

Neither Venus, Mercury or Moon are at their best in Scorpio. Venus has a distance to the eclipse not fully impacted, yet it sets the backdrop of our restlessness and makes us emotionally charged a bit of anxious pressure within us, the eclipse tarnishes her ability to give comfort and our health. The Moon is debilitated feeling unsupported and Mercury the planet of communication, finances, logical thinking, our discernment has an emotional tone it carries a lot of tension and nervousness. This eclipse carries frustration and sudden anger due to a lack of mental peace.

Astrologically we see that intensity of Mars, Mercury and Venus effect on this eclipse through the rulerships. Firstly it is in a Mars-ruled sign, the natural 8th house of transformation where fiery Ketu now resides also aspecting transiting Mars. The Nakshatra of Jyeshta is owned by Mercury depositing the eclipse with its consciousness. Transiting Mars in a Mercury-ruled nakshatra (Revati ) and transiting Rahu in a Mars-ruled Nakshatra (Mrigrashira), Venus in Anuradha nakshatra owned by Saturn. Then we have the giants approaching their planetary war on the 21st. But we are already experiencing their effects.

On the collective level, finances, leadership, relationships and promises of a cure are what is being spoiled. This eclipse is affecting the leadership in a very harsh way, hidden things will come up as a result of this eclipse by the spring of 2021. Political power will be a focal point that is challenged and the enthusiasm of people is low where confusion and emotions are high, as fire meets the water creating steam blocking our view. People will start to question blind obedience. Questioning that which is accepted as inconvenient creates contrast in our social ways.

Jyeshta nakshatra is a fighting energy, the fight for power, a military star, to discover and seize power, the hand of influence it likes phycological warfare this will be played out for the next six months as fear is the best way to control. Jyeshta carries the Alakshmi energy the place of rebellion and strength dealing with our biggest fears.

Disharmony can be seen as a necessary stage as opposed to a lack of luck. The earth and its inhabitants need to be ground down a bit more for real changes to occur. The villain and the hero share a similar path of defiance walking in their independence.

In order to gain access to Lakshmi, you must pass through her many forms. You must first walk through her harshest forms before she will enter your home. Self-honesty is the medicine in this eclipse cycle, focus on developing a strategy to cope, finding your self-reliance, this eclipse is an invitation to realign with what makes you feel the depth of your character, to live deeply and truly.

Be aware of the position of Mars and Mercury in your chart in transit and in your birth chart, it can trigger something relevant to its placement. Watch the degrees of the eclipse closely and observe what happens through June of 202, these will be our trigger points, personally check your own planets in your natal chart if you have any close or at 28°59.

May we open our hearts to the unknown, trusting the mystery that’s beginning to reveal itself grateful to be alive to see this magnificent change in the age.

I wish you lots of love and Luck with the solar eclipse

Siri Prakash

With so many changes and challenges, It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and see how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021