The Guided Moon

The Moon arrives at its peak fullness on September 10th in the sign of Aquarius in the constellation of Purva Bhadrapada, opening the gates of spirit with the commencement of Pitru Paksha – the fortnight of the ancestor. The spaces where form and formless get to commune more fluidly as we honour and remember loved ones who have passed and those who we call upon and continue to guide us.

Deposited by Saturn who is doing its bit of soulful and practical house cleaning as it pulls away the dead layers of what no longer nourishes and weighs us down. Mercury now stationing retrograde pitches in with the universal energy amplifying with strength the healing available to us with a capacity to alchemise and integrate our individual lessons, of past or present pain and sorrow creating momentum to clear it. To be free of it and embrace a vision of clarity and wisdom seeing the shadows of the past of what is not forgiven in our lives or within us, that prevents our energy from flowing in our mind and in our heart. 

This section of Aquarius is filled with electricity, ruled by the mystical deity Ajaikapada, part Naga and part Rudra, the one-footed goat, connected to the Kundalini Shakti, the mother channel of energy and light.

Finding your mantra is an effective tool for healing and transformation with this Moon. Sound has the power to keep our mind in the vibration of our choice, so take care what you repeat.   Find your mantra and attach yourself to it.  Allow it to carry you, shield you, connect you and serve you.

​​Lean into your breath and Mantra and let them work for you, as the original Rudra did to transform into the auspicious Lord Shiva. Feel the sound of divine dancing in all of your cells and elevating your frequency, create your own still point, a perfectly balanced position that keeps you aligned with your purpose, despite the chaos and distractions of the outer world

Don’t lose faith, don’t lose heart and never surrender

I send you lots of love and Moonlight


a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2022-2023, and how you can direct your focus and energy to get the best results.