Leo New Moon in Magha - Magnificent Splendor

On August 27th the cycle of the magnificent begins with the honouring of our past and all its inherited wisdom. This is such a delicious time of year we are entering as the fire of the summer begins to cool returning to the sacred spaces and magical places.

The Moon mergers with the Sun and opens the gate to new rhythms and sequences, arriving at its darkest point to gaze and amass the gifts from the pitṛ́ our divine ancestors not just through our bloodline, but most importantly from our lifetimes. Gaining lessons of reflected and receptive wisdom.  The full Moon in two weeks will begin the yearly ancestral fortnight known as, Pitru-Paksha a two-week period dedicated to honouring our departed ancestors.  I suggest beginning to create your altar for them now, collecting all the things they loved and that remind you of their presence.

There is a favourable strength in this New Moon chart, in that four planets are in signs that they govern, which makes them stable and powerful.  Another striking placement in this chart is that Mars is 10th from the Moon, where it receives special ‘directional strength’, which confers courage, fearlessness, and leadership. The Moon also receives an aspect from Mars and Rahu energizing it, encouraging us to reach for more, to stretch ourselves and to believe in our resilience. To have the courage to sit on the throne of our own authority knowing we are not alone, our guides are present when acknowledged and invited. Our efforts, devotion and experiences radiate from their embedded code in our system creating a field that surrounds us creating a signal within the earth's magnetic field and beyond. 

The powerful, slow-moving (still retrograde) planets Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter the planet of guiding ethics (dharma) and Saturn the planet of concrete events and of cause and effect (karma), indicate through their shared retrogression that the influence of the past will be strong this month. There may be situations that involve incompletion and revision, and a need to set things right that which has been long delayed. The next 30 days may involve these themes of seniority in significant ways in our daily life and with themes around authority and power. A need to recognize an external authority is likely, while alongside of this, and more inwardly a sense of inner strength is on an increase. 

A blessed day comes shortly after the New Moon the birth of Lord Ganesh's (Ganesh Chaturthi) on the 31st another powerful guide to honour and to have at your side

I send you love and luck in the New Moon cycle, stay connected with the Divine


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