The Clarifying Light of Lakshmi Pisces Full Moon in Revati Nakshatra

The Clarifying Light of Lakshmi Pisces Full Moon in Revati Nakshatra

Sitting on the cusp of change in the deepest part of Pisces the October Full Moon cycle is infused with wise counsel.

Influencing the light of the Moo, Mercury brings in earthy grounded clarity, Venus sitting next to the Sun in Virgo highlights the desire to honour ourselves by becoming more ourselves and address what is unclear, our secrets the things that lie in the dark zones of our personality that gets played out in our relationships to ourselves and to others. Jupiter joined with the Moon boosts the receptive side of us while bouncing back the energy of Mercury and Venus as they give a status check of how we are in the flow of our soul.

The celestial conversation helps us to organise our thoughts and yearnings, a reflective and illustrative dialogue of what is yet to be conquered and what we have yet to merge with.

The desire of the Moon cycle will be to wrap things up. The wisdom of Jupiter prepares us for new beginnings by facilitating necessary endings such as relationships and projects that never seem to come together in doing so we discover new commitments and approaches that are more evolved, both individually and collectively.

The nakshatra governing the Moon is Revati, ruled by the god Pushan, the nourisher and guide encouraging the service to the wholeness of you in doing so you will be guided home.

There are two powerful yogas formed by the Moon Venus, Mercury and Jupiter they form a Saraswati Yoga, and Jupiter connected to the Moon forms a Gajakesari Yoga Elephant and Lion. It is also the Sharad Purnima. Opening opportunities of grace and gifts when it is connected to the heart of devotion and service.

Wishing you the blessings of Maa Lakshmi

Siri Prakash

a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2023, the upcoming eclipses and learn how you can direct your focus and energy to get the best results.