Full Moon in Capricorn - The Evolution of Earth

Immersed in Saturn's energy, the Moon reflects the light of the Sun in Cancer who for now is keeping company with Venus.

Thoughts and concerns of security, nourishment and stability come more into focus as August progresses. The Moon conjunct and starved by Saturn is also being squared by Rahu and Ketu, activating our worry. Memories of the past and projections of the future are at odds with our security and comfort, either our outlook of the future may be overly negative or the memory of the past overly optimistic. Saturn and the Moon are wanting more precision in our perception and our reactions.

Our consciousness faces a conflict either by the things we think we need to be comfortable or what we see as necessary in meeting our emotional needs. These comforts and needs are going to be difficult to get met in this cycle.

Venus and Mars are the planets to pay attention to, as mentioned in previous posts. Mars has just moved into Taurus, the sign of finances and food, where we can see a lot of spending with things related to protection. Venus (diplomacy, refinement, compromise) is now connected with the Sun and becomes agitated.

Our consciousness and soul reflect the need to develop our solving problems and meet adversity face on with grace. The power lies in our ability to remain in the heart and not the reactive space, becoming more precise with our lens and our directed energy, questioning from your heart space: is it real and is it true?

Remaining in the heart space in the face of fear and the unknown is always at the heart of Saturn's lessons.

Stay grounded and plant your energy into the moment. Dissolve your illusion, self-deception, and self-sabotage and stay in the heart space, serve others and love each other more knowing everything will align in the play of evolution that is taking place on earth.

I send you love and luck with the Full Moon cycle.

Book a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2022-2023, how you can direct your focus and energy to get the best results.