The Waves of Change Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 30th


The Moon, our light of consciousness, meets with Rahu in Taurus, both in their respective positions of power in the earthy territory of Taurus.

Rohini nakshatra the abode of fertility and our ability to prosper is depositing the Eclipsed Moon and it’s in the nakshatra in which an eclipse falls gives a clue to its effect of what is challenged for the next six months.

This is our fourth and final lunar eclipse of 2020 and the first of our eclipses to come in the weighted axis of Scorpio and Taurus, the axis of power, control, finances, accumulation vs. purging, discovery, vulnerability, and grit. Lunar eclipses in their nature are more personal and Solar eclipses affect collective and political realms. This eclipse impact will be felt more personally and the Solar eclipse on December 14th will activate the field of our culture, the collective, and governments.

As the Moon is embraced by Rahu it brings our material awareness into focus, recognizing its instability and the long road we face. Aspected by Jupiter from Capricorn our minds are trying to grasp how much stability we have and what is really solid ground beneath our feet, what can we rely on, highlighting what is weak vs. what is stable in material form, in our heart and our consciousness. Mercury now in Scorpio is involved with the eclipse indicating both of our thinking minds heavily engaged with the concern of our direction.

The absence of light of our great luminary reminds us to align with something beyond ourselves in our material form. If you are feeling frustrated that things are not happening as fast as you would like them to allow yourself to perceive your direction without creating internal pressure give yourself space to discover.

The days surrounding the Moon are naturally accelerated and it is the time when our subconscious mind is closest to the surface when bringing clarity and offering us a release. Eat light and see your light.

Use this energy of the Eclipse to break through fears and mental intrigues freeing ourselves from the places where we’ve felt most stuck. We are witnessing humanity shift and the world is always trying to fascinate us, remember you came here to discover you this is the key. Use this as your navigation point to anchor you where you want to go, finding your ground and your path.

May we open our hearts to the unknown, trusting the mystery that’s beginning to reveal itself grateful to be alive to see this magnificent change in the age.

I wish you lots of love and Luck with the Lunar Eclipse

Siri Prakash

With so many changes and challenges, It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and see how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021