Room For Improvement Full Moon in Cancer

Image Eve Art

Image Eve Art

Energetic and bright, the Full Moon is filled with a strong desire for peace and clarity under the tight aspect of Mars and in opposition with the Sun and Jupiter.

The sign of Capricorn heavily weighted with four planets contained within it and only days away from Mercury’s retrograde, who will then return to Capricorn making it a total of five planets, bearing down on the collective within this full moon cycle. 

The conscious stream of light depositing the Moon is Pushya nakshatra where we find our inner source of strength, knowing the balance between decisive action and careful planning to yield us blossoming results. Luck is truly generated when our endeavours are combined with our wisdom. This is where our sense of self-trust is generated, empowering us to stand strong, break old habits, and make different choices.

Our revolution will be heart-centred and full of integrity, we are all responsible to uphold this, in the age of Aquarius. The axis of Cancer and Capricorn have held keys to our evolution where we schooled in our connection of head and heart. Giving us a better understanding of our strength, wisdom, and ability to create what our hearts truly long for.

Calmly face whatever emotions and hidden patterns that may be arising and get back to the root reasons that put you into action and begin to prepare for success.

Where ever Cancer and Capricorn are in your chart is where you will focus your attention on creating strength and stability. 

I send you lots of love and luck in the Full Moon cycle

Siri Prakash