photo @thegoldenshield
The axis of Gemini and Sagittarius is awake and energised continuing to set the foundation of 2020.
As the Moon joins Rahu on January 10th opposing the Sun, Ketu, Saturn Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius our first eclipse of 2020 takes place at 25°Gemini in the nakshatra Punarvasu a place of universal light and righteousness.
Building on the theme of the December eclipse in Mula, the goddess Naritti and the Goddess Aditi are communing of freedom from restriction and limitation confronting us to deal with our personal light , to ignite our light and to create an openness in our awareness to seeing our potential.
The eclipse period that started on December 26th has been intense particularly on the world stage at the time of our January eclipse Mercury, the planet of our communication and our nervous system, is combust and closely conjunct Saturn a causing tension and heaviness in our minds and thoughts that can give a feeling of disempowerment and overwhelm in the days surrounding the eclipse, so stay focused on what you can do to make a difference.
On top of this energy Saturn, lord of time and the slow-moving conductor of destiny, is about to shift the frequency of consciousness on a mass level as it enters his female sign of Capricorn on Jan 23, for a two-and-a-half-year transit.
This planetary combination and with eclipses having already an unsettling energy can make the days surrounding the eclipse can be more emotional and sensitive, eat light and keep things simple.
With the eclipse energy active for a month make sure to see the gifts it is bringing you, those with who have important placements close to 25º Gemini or 25º Sagittarius as well as those running Mercury and Jupiter Dashas will feel the eclipse the most.
Punarvasu offers refuge in times of transformation and plants seeds of regeneration, it gives us the tools we need to correct any errors, adding more juice into our actions with the encouragement to try again.
As January progresses, the house of Sagittarius will mellow, with only Jupiter and Ketu remaining. 2020 is going to be a great year with the first four months being the toughest, so keep up and stay focused!
The Mantra and Meditation for 2020 is Aad Such Jugaad Such Hai Bhai Such Nanak Hosee Bhai Such (see instructions below)
Its a great time to book a reading and see what is happening for you in 2020
I send you love and luck with the eclipse
Siri Prakash