Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse -Pointing The Way Forward Vedic Astrology

Photo Nasa

Photo Nasa

The New Moon solar eclipse occurs on the galactic plane at 9°58 of Sagittarius, pulling the arrow back and releasing the tension of 2019 with the final eclipse of the decade, as the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun showering us in celestial energy setting in motion rapid changes making room for something much better in 2020.

Eclipses happen a few times a year, but this one is a very unusual one involving six planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Sun and Moon, it  marks the end of a cycle that began last summer on July 2nd and is one of the greatest eclipses we have experienced in decades.

The axis between Rahu in Arda and four planets in Mula nakshatras lay the map of deep transformation where we are in a state of completion and resurrection. Mula is among the most intense and profound of lunar houses ruled by Nitrri, a contractive goddess representing dissolution and hidden information. Ardra’s ruler is the Rudra the fierce incarnation of Lord Shiva gives a probing aspect on a hunt for a solution and the beat of our heart.

We are in a time for constructive thought and solutions: with Jupiter in strong in dignity and conjunct Saturn both planets adding a stabilising effect to the eclipse bringing structure and wisdom to the forefront reducing our confusion. Mercury the planet of the intellect joined Ketu the planet of one-pointed focus, both under Mula’s influence plays out in very constructive ways; activating our wise and discerning desire to separate that which is real from the unreal, seeking the stark truth of a situation, unearthing hidden information and tearing it out by the root cause. Giving us the clearing we need to receive what is coming to us in 2020.

For those with significant planetary placements at or near 10°of Sagittarius, Ascendant, Moon or Sun as well as those who are Mars or Venus dominant people may feel that during the period surrounding the eclipse you may feel irritated, thinking and communication is quite challenged now. Slow down any impulsiveness, use the wisdom of your heart and don’t react.

Eclipses are inwardly transformative periods and ideal for intensified spiritual practices, worship and charitable giving, practical endeavours are inauspicious so don’t start anything new the 3 days on either side of the eclipse avoid for new beginnings of major worldly importance during this time.

In the Yogic and Vedic Sciences, eclipses are days that stir strange and unsettled energies. It is advised to avoid light of the eclipse, even when we can not see it from our location. On the day of the eclipse eat light, take the time for mediation, use mantra, try to be quieter and go within.

As we embrace our excitement for the start of 2020 may we can bask in our potentials and the limitless possibilities before us. Expansive messages are coming through from the higher realms it’s time to raise our gaze,  feeling renewed faith in ourselves, our relationships, and trajectories.

May we join together in love, commitment, and joy—releasing the past as we leap into a more inspired, honest, and compassionate future.

I send you lots of love and luck with the eclipse cycle

Siri Prakash

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