The Treasure Within The Venom Cancer Full Moon Vedic Astrology


Within the abode of the divine feminine, the Moon becomes full at 26° Cancer in the nakshatra of Ashlesha a place ruled by Naga.

Coiled at the base of the spine, the Naga realm is the space beyond the mind that taps into the most fundamental power currents of our being.  It is this source of universal energy that, if harnessed correctly, can be used to completely transform consciousness.  

Ashlesha Moons cling and protects what it does not want to part with, it’s a hypnotic place an alchemical and transformative awakening of the energies from below the surface.  Suggesting that this full Moon will awaken matters during this cycle will be insightful, yet likely a struggle for us to let go of. 

The Full Moon can make us insecure and competitive, so don’t exaggerate your self-importance. It can awaken and instigate some challenging situations between people with some unchecked words. As the Moon is getting and aspect from both Saturn and Mars, indicating that there could be a need to watch that words are authentically motivated. Communication that stems from agitation and defensiveness, especially with the opposite sex.

With both of our feel-good planets, the Moon and Venus in water signs under the pressure of Mars and Saturn making this Moon quite potent, where we are facing both a time of fertile creativity and evolution while under the uncomfortable hardness of Saturn and the aggressive pushing of Mars.

It is a shining opportunity for us to employ our empathy and softness with those who may be acting out of desperation, fear, and loss. Choose to be nurturing, forgiving and compassionate in the face of negativity and selfishness. Leading the way with grace.

Both Saturn and Mars’s influence will be felt thematically through February. Ashlesha is leading into the deep spaces of our mind, discovering our treasures, our shadows and the impulse of our desires. Preparing for the birth of something new and far better open the channels of your mind and tune into this auspicious alignment.

I send you lots of love and luck with the Full Moon cycle

Siri Prakash

It's a great time to schedule your personal reading to see where you’re headed in 2020 and review what is in store for you!  I will be in Los Angeles from February 12-19th to schedule a reading 

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