The Threshold of Ending and Beginnings Capricorn New Moon January 24th

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The path of our consciousness intersects with soul at 10° of Capricorn in Śravaṇa nakshatra a place ruled by Vishnu deeply connected to Saraswati, transporting a message contemplation and lessons.

Saturn delivers his penetrating lesson though the Moon one of circumspection and forethought a commitment in taking ownership of our thoughts, feelings and our actions. The Moon now empty draws its resources from Capricorn, the female reflective sign of Saturn giving us the capacity to face what we need to, and the endurance to withstand the challenges and the fears that arise on our own unique path of dharma.

Śravaṇa is a place of deep listening of making a connection through sound (frequency) where we become informed, a place where we hear the truth and have it merge within us becoming orientated in the direction we want to go. 

The new Moon of January suggests that there is something to sort out in our direction and in our path, how we perceive our path and how we see ourselves becoming individualized, where we have the choice to either take hold of our time or become subject to it.  

Saturn’s transit into Capricorn marks a major shift in our individual and collective consciousness where the direction of our focus and attention changes. It will take some time for the strength of Saturn to take hold, so, for now, we may experience our energy tanks being low and as our perceptive mind the Moon, our soul the Sun and our thinking mind Mercury are now tied and bound with Saturn together in Capricorn it's a good time to be introspective, observing what is awakening and what needs to be let go, giving this energy the space to take hold, to just be present. 

We are in a cycle of creating a stable inner structure so that we may receive, by bringing our awareness to our source so we may connect with what is eternal and true.

Make sure to get physical exercise every day this will help to release any tension and anxiety. This is not a time for being sedentary. Go outdoors. Breathe the fresh air. Allow Mother Nature to nurture you. 

Gather yourself 2020 is an extraordinary year! To find out what is coming your way in 2020 you can book a reading with me here

I send you lots of love and luck with the New Moon in Capricorn 

Siri Prakash