Uncovering the Hidden Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Vedic Astology


The Moon reaches her fullness at 21° Scorpio gripped in its state of debilitation, reflecting the world in its unsettled state and instability shaking the ground beneath us. 

As the weight of our darkest shadows fall upon us, burdened by repression our pain arises, while it connects us all with the strength that comes when we face our biggest fears—fears of loss, shame, speaking out and being seen.

Lunar eclipses are immediate in their effects and their energy is felt within two weeks. This is the first of the three eclipses of the Summer it is a partial lunar eclipse putting a shadowy effect upon the Moon, it is visible in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia but that does not diminish its effects on the world. 

The Moon is where we want to feel good, be happy and stable, in Scorpio it loses its ground and where our fears arise where the mind is unsettled. Where we are investigating what is hidden, the things we prefer not to see. Ketu is delivering the effects of past events, forcing our observational and emotional mind to pay attention now.

The planetary influence surrounding the eclipsed Moon adds to its complexity and effects.  With three major planets retrograde, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, the planets of our leaders, structures and economy. Not only is Venus retrograde, she is combust, burnt out and in opposition to the eclipsed Moon highlighting social matters, comforts and structures. Adding to the universal hot sauce being poured on the wounds of society is the soldier and problem solver Mars, the ruler of Scorpio and depositor of the Moon ablaze in Aquarius in the power to the people zone, making a square to the Sun (our leadership) furthering our agitation. 

The awakener of karma, Rahu is in the zone of the hunter and warrior, representing the masses joined with an exalted Mercury, ruler of communications, giving quite a bit of energy to create a new paradigm of how to get along, communicate and create prosperity and comfort for all the aligning and joining of people together.

The lunar sign (nakshatra) is the consciousness that grips the eclipsed Moon of Jyestha nakshatra, a very provocative place located in Antares. A red star known as the rival of Mars, the arousal zone of power, a power that first must go through a struggle to rise up and to overcome, defending the vulnerable or underprivileged. It’s symbol is an Umbrella and its key is charity in establishing authority.

This Scorpio Moons are is our collective emotional state of desire, Scorpio is quite a devotional sign looking for the truth, when we put our attention to a state of devotion and put it into the heart, we are all free. We need to work on our spiritual courage, it's more complicated than fighting, it is a deep emotional courage blended with conviction where our emotions stop dictating what we do in reaction but more of strategy and flexibility in action. A courage that does not turn away from what is hard to face and stand up to it offer shelter to others. Creating stability and our totality. 

Once Mars moves out of Aquarius by the 18th it will shift the energy this aligns with the timeline of the lunar eclipse effects and by then we will be preparing for the next wave of change with the solar eclipse on the 21st.

People with their birthday around the 5th of June or with planets in Jyeshta  or have your ascendent within 5 degrees of the eclipse will feel this the most.

Emotional courage is found through our devotion. What are you devoted to? What are you deeply connected to? What is the river you are following and will it lead you to the richness and depth of the ocean where we all connect to each other and to the divine?  These are questions to ask yourself now.

This is the best year even though it is the toughest one in a very long time, as I said in 2019 this is a revolutionary year one like the sixties this is our break through year one of connecting to our heart not our fear where we are working on our stability. Our world needs to change and become better and we are in the process that is taking us to a much better place.

Stay vigilant, stay connected and remain in your heart the seat of your inner authority. I send you lots of love and luck

Siri Prakash

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