Cognition Of Deeper Truths Aquarius Full Moon in Dhanishta Nakshatra

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The August full Moon arrives at 5.27° in the nakshatra of Dhanishta reflecting the throne of the king and its inhabitants the Sun, Mars, and Mercury highlighting an imbalance of authority and false security creating tension and anxiety of what will come next. 

As the Moon joins a bright and retrograde Jupiter our attention is captured - how we as a collective and as individuals seem to be moving both forward and backward at the same time. 

Mars the great honorable warrior that governs Dhanishta addresses our consciousness (Moon) questioning our strategy and applied consciousness. Is the direction and rhythm of our daily actions connected to the beat of our heart and the clarity of our higher self? Jupiter's presence accentuates what is real, and what is true. 

Stirring the lessons within this cycle of a hunt for solutions - how to take action in unison with society while remaining true to our personal power.  How to create change by engaging our awareness into action, to become accountable as a world in living in community, and inspire others to partake in shaping our collective destiny. Keeping the light bright in a world filled with challenges and uncertainty.

The axis of Aquarius the sign of the people, the collective, and Leo the home of natural authority and our personal power is where these lessons unfold. Check where this is in your charts and see how you can engage your spirit to rise to the challenge. Every warrior, great athlete, and wisdom teaching recognizes fear as part of the experience and keeps moving forward. Leading from the heart.

Shiva teaches us to remain in our center, with our full presence connected to truth, opening the space allowing for things to fall away with open hearts in spite of our egos. When this is not in harmony and we live by the limitation of our individual self then we are easily shaken. 

I wish you love and luck during the full Moon cycle, remember the world needs your participation, to live from your heart and not from fear, where your light spreads light.

Siri Prakash
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