Commitment and Rewards Saturn in Capricorn January 24th Vedic Astrology
Saturn enters into the sign of Capricorn on January 24th where he will remain for the next 2.5 years.
Both Saturn and Jupiter are very prominent in 2020 Saturn both strong in their signs working in high dignity collaborating to change the arcline of our destiny on a personal level and a collective level.
When Saturn comes knocking at the door not one of us runs to answer it, preferring instead to indulge, escape in an attempt to delay the consequence of our actions or our inactions, however, Saturn’s energy is unavoidable and inescapable. What is possible is for us to change our perception of the energy that Saturn brings and thereby changing our relationship to Saturn enabling us to impact and affect the outcome to a more desirable result.
Saturn is our roots and Jupiter is our fruit, Saturn sets the firm foundation and Jupiter aspires to reach for the heavens where the sweetest fruit grows. We need strong roots to yield delicious fruit a life without Saturn, we are not able to manifest. Think about how athletes train they focus on the long term goal directing their energy to push through, to overcome by creating a mindset and discipline of commitment employing endurance and thereby establishing excellence and inheriting a power that comes with an unaltered strength of conquering perceived barriers and fears. This is the energy of Saturn its the unseen and unsexy efforts we all have to do to experience the pleasure of success and its rewards.
Now, when Saturn enters a sign or house it’s like the elephant entering into a room. There are some things that we have to accept are going to get smashed, get leveled expanding our space to receive more. This is a necessary step to awaken us, to acknowledge what we have neglected and outgrown, we shouldn’t fear it’s simply time for a change and all change is not negative.
The area Saturn moves into in your chart is where he is going to want you to work, it’s not going to be about fun and games. It will bring a focus on where we need to mature, the ending of the childish essence. The challenges come when we try to resist the evolutionary changes Saturn brings,.
In 2020 we have to get beyond our fear, beyond our resistance to the challenges and to build the capacity to endure just as an athlete does.
Saturn in the earthy female sign Capricorn brings the grace of commitment in practice is bringing organization setting priorities. Capricorn is the feminine reflective quality of Saturn gives us the experience of his energies psychologically feeling balanced in our own terms. It wants us to use our leadership and ethics responsibly and to look at how we are relating to it and how we are using our resources. Saturn in Capricorn is in axis to the sign of Cancer this is where we need to pay attention and keep our head and heart connected. It wants us to connect with the higher octave of the Cancerian energy.
The Nakshatra Saturn will operate in is Uttara Ashadha until January 2021. This is where our soul wants us to take responsibility for our direction. This lunar house is about success and the maintenance of if. It is a place that unifies, it wants us to be victorious, to achieve but in order to be victorious, we have to battle for it and then we have to maintain it. To step forward and meet the challenge with determination is where Uttara Ashadha shines to show up and to become aware so that you can excel, conquer and win and gain the respect by holding success.
Its the creation of lasting success by pooling our resources and create alliances, we have this ability with Saturn in Uttara Ashada in 2020, this is where it shines!
The changing of our relationship to our experience of Saturn is where we can excel and take advantage of all it brings. Once we create the habit we connect with our instinct and intuition which shows us how and shows us when. Our internal celestial bodies connect with the heavenly celestial bodies. Life becomes easier. ‘Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos Shall Clear the Path’- Yogi Bhajan
Dates to Watch
Mars Saturn conjunction in Capricorn from March 22nd until May 5th
Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn from March 30th until June 30th
Saturn will Retrograde in Capricorn May 11th until Sept 29th
Saturn is Vargottma from January 24-23 and August 5th- November 11th
Jupiter and Saturn in an exact grand conjunction in December 2020
2020 is an amazing year It’s a great time to be alive and to live fully!
I wish you the best of luck with Saturns transit, to book a reading click here and find out how Saturn will impact you in 2020!
I will be in Los Angeles from February 11th -February 19th for in-person reading
I send you love and luck
Siri Prakash