Photo Credit Stephen Ellcock
The connection to our mystical and philosophical side is activated by the Pisces new Moon but we are not allowed to reside in the dreamland for long, we become awakened with reality of who we are and with what is not real or true, to face what we avoid and what is painful for us to look at.
The task of setting our inspirations straight is given with the strike of the Nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada whose goal is to remove what it is unanchored nonsense and our inclinations to avoid what is uncomfortable, soberly awakening us to who we are right now and where our actions and thought patterns are leading us.
The full gaze the Moon will receive from Mars and Rahu can intensify our feelings during this period, giving rise to old issues to be dealt with that can no longer be swept under the carpet. Any inclination we have for escapism is squashed in this new moon cycle, we are being asked to work to build strength in our stillness and with rigorous honesty.
Jupiter the ruler of Pisces is the energetic depositor of the 4 planets currently in Pisces affecting the new moon phase due to Jupiter retrograde and weakened position in the last degrees of Libra where it unable to give its full power resulting in a time that is difficult to manifest or achieve tangible results.
During this cycle look squarely at your shadows, take control of your thoughts and your self programming and create better path-ways. Invest in yourself and your spirit. Fight for your destiny everyday by building grit and stamina, it is in this discipline you will achieve what your heart soul desires.
Look into your chart and see what house the sign Pisces activates for you and its respective influences, or if like you can book a reading by emailing 📩 email or my 'Book A Reading Page' on my website
Follow me on Instagram @cosmicthings and Facebook for forecasts and insights.
I send you lots of love and luck with their transit and I wish you a happy Vedic New Year
Siri Prakash
Meditation for the Month Clearing the Subconscious
To Begin Sit comfortable in a cross-legged position with a straight spine bring your hands together in front of your heart and repeat 3 times Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo before beginning the exercise
Mudra: Interlace your fingers and cross the thumbs. Bend the elbows and bring the hands up and in until they meet at the level of the heart center with the palms facing the body. The mudra is held against the body.
Eyes: Closed focused at the thrid eye
Breath and Mantra: Inhale deeply and hold the breath in for 45-60 seconds. Meditate at the third eye point and silently chant 'Har' (Har sounds like Hud)
Exhale. This breath is done for a maximum of 5 times.
To finish: Inhale and exhale rapidly (2 seconds inhale, 2 seconds exhale) six times and then relax.
Depending on your breath capacity, this exercise takes 3-5 minutes. As you are developing your ability to hold the breath in for the required time, you may find that you need to take recovery breaths before your next inhalation and hold.
May the long time sunshine upon you all love surround you and the pure light within you guide your way on, Sat Nam
When Yogi Bhajan taught this meditation, he gave the class one rapid recovery inhale-exhale before the fourth breath and two rapid recovery inhale-exhales before the fifth breath. Gradually train yourself to hold the breath in for the required time for five consecutive breaths, but, if you need to re-oxygenate yourself between breaths, you may do so.