painting by Jan Davidsz de Heem 1660
The field of action in March will be in the house of Pisces with so much planetary energy directed it's way there is no way it's effects will go unnoticed this month, we will all get our share of it.
In March we have two full Moons, two planets retrograding, a new Moon, Mars moving in with Saturn for an extended stay. Exalted Venus and a debilitated Mercury.
The Cosmic Gallery is open and lets begin with the first masterpiece - The Soma of the First full Moon.
On March 1 or 2nd (depending on where you live) our first Full Moon takes place in house of Leo. The Moon is filled with the light of the Sun and she feels at home in the house of the of the King, where she awakens our passions with and emerging force like a spring, where we want to indulge in ourselves and in our perspectives rather than share our wealth. Fiery emotions can fill us under her influence as our intentions become focused on individuality and our free will.
Self care and tending to our needs is important, be sure not to steal others happiness as a result, real kings and and queens share their wealth and share their light with others.
Venus & Mercury
The day after the full Moon, Venus and Mercury move into Pisces where Venus takes her exalted position and Mercury becomes debilitated and weak. Venus in Pisces opens our receptiveness to love and our desires, but our intellect (Mercury) becomes clouded with feelings and a dreamy devotion that is not anchored in reality. This combination makes for a good time for healing emotional wounds not necessarily a time to commit to new ventures as our intellect is impaired, wait a bit later in the month, when it is retrograde. Yes, I said retrograde more info on that below.
Venus and Mercury together is a hallmark time for writing and reflection, Venus will leave Pisces on the 25th of March so do take some time and write your story and then read it at the second Full Moon to see if it is real and true.
On March 8th Mars enters Sagittarius where it will remain until early May this placement can bring frustration with authority figures where both sides we are pushing forcing principles and ideas on to the other. Mars joining Saturn makes for a potentially troublesome time where we can become combative about our philosophical proclivities and our beliefs systems. The full gaze of Mars will square all the planets in Pisces as will Rahu so it becomes a touchy area and with Mercury in its weakened state really, really do take care of what you say. Better to be a strategic champion not a reactive crusader.
The force and power that Mars brings together with Saturn in Sagittarius makes is a fertile time to put our teachings and our dharma into practice. Keeping the focus in your lane and what you are doing and rather than destroy relations in order to make progress.
Jupiter Retrograde
On March 9th Jupiter will begin its retrograde motion for a period of 4 months creating an environment of reflection of our principles and beliefs. This retrograde motion on a personal level can make us face potentially painful truths of how our frustrated hopes and dreams may be influencing our partners and key relationships, revealing where we need to own the status quo of our lives and not project the results on our closest relations. Again focusing on our lane is important lesson here.
New Moon
On March 17th the New Moon joins Mercury and Venus already in Pisces, highlighting our mystical and philosophical work we put forth in the world, are we tuning in or are we tuning out? The strike of the Nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada awakens us to a glimpse of who we are at this moment setting our inspiration straight with a jolt. The full gaze of Mars and Rahu intensifies the New Moon as the dreaminess of Pisces and it's inclination for escapism becomes challenged. Things from the past, old feelings arise and the truth of what we are denying to be seen and examined.
Retrograde Mercury
On March 22nd Mercury will go retrograde and will not go direct until April 15th. While Venus is with Mercury take advantage of this as it is a very creative time. In Vedic Astrology when a debilitated planet goes retrograde the negative effects are reduced, so it not to be feared in its retrograde time in this house.
Full Moon
The second Full Moon of the month on the 30th will push us to be more precise and focused, we are attempting to get control. It will be opposite the Sun in Pisces, and her agenda is to anchor and harmonise the energy Pisces where our mind and hearts were thrown into the deep end of the pool where we could have felt confused and overwhelmed.
As the winter is melting away our spirits and hearts are awakened and being given a amazing reality check. We are more inspired and feeling our hearts desire harmonising our lessons of learning The first full moon commences the celebration of Holi a springtime festival of colour and connectivity unifying love and life force.
Pisces is the field of activation this month so if you have planets in your natal chart its becomes even more important area for you to pay attention.
We are beginning a cycle of retrograde planets starting with Jupiter and Mercury this month. We can find ourselves less confident in our intellect and our communications, making it a good time to say less instead use the creative and reflective energies to examine the stories of our lives our patterns, beliefs and relations. It is a good month to write your story and reflect on it to see if it is really true.
There is allot to take in and process this month that leads us to our greater potential with each step we are becoming the tender warriors of of our lives, eliminating the illusion and confusion with care and precision.
Look into your chart and see where the sign Pisces falls in your chart to see more closely the influences, or if like you can book a reading by emailing 📩 email or my 'Book A Reading Page' on my website
Follow me on Instagram @cosmicthings and Facebook for forecasts and insights.
I send you a lots of luck and love
Siri Prakash
Meditation for the Month -Strengthen the Nervous System
To Begin Sit comfortable in a cross-legged position with a straight spine bring your hands together in front of your heart and repeat 3 times Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo before beginning the exercise.
This exercise is said to give your nervous system great strength. You have to qualify yourself to be a Sensory Human.
Posture: Sit straight in a cross-legged position.
Mudra: Cup the hands slightly and clap them in front of the heart at the rate of one clap per second. Your hands must create a sound. Elbows are relaxed down.
Eyes: Eyes are closed.
Breath: Breathe in rhythm with the motion through pursed lips, inhaling as the hands are spread, and exhaling as you clap the hands together.
Time: Continue for 11 or 31 minutes.
During the last 2 minutes grip the hands together in front of the heart, tightening the hands as much as you can so that the energy begins penetrating your body. Breathe long and deep to control the energy.
To end: Inhale deeply, hold, and tighten your grip and your spine so that the energy goes through the entire nervous system. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax.
May the long time sunshine upon you all love surround you and the pure light within you guide your way on, Sat Nam