The importance of Light, Virgo Full Moon in Hasta Nakshatra April 6th

Reaching its peak at 21° of Hasta nakshatra in the constellation of Virgo, the bright Moon is filled with magnified opportunities and strength.

Mars, Jupiter, Sun and Moon are all in beneficial angles to the Virgo Full Moon. Jupiter and the Sun communicate the need for the release as they begin to cross the final tides of Pisces. Both Jupiter and the Sun urging the Moon to loosen the grip of the past and be open to receive the freshness of the present. Setting our minds free, creating more space to become more clever and resourceful.

The lords of Virgo Mercury and Rahu are joined in the 8th house from the full Moon, together they are joined with Venus stirring the passions under the hood and deep within our well of experience. Stirring the Moon in anxious anticipation of what lies ahead. In the 6th house from the Moon is lord Saturn indicating support of strength and determination to cross the challenges we may be faced with, to pay our debts and or entrance fees (tapas) both literally and figuratively, to set ourselves free. The no-nonsense Mars is in the 10th house from the Moon giving his piercing aspect to the very heart of the Moon with its marching orders of directional strength, assuring us to proceed with confidence.

Keys in this cycle are

  • Sharpening of our Focus, and Intellect Making it our Devotion, Choosing Consciously What We Serve, Yielding The Fruits of Gained Skills and Strength that is Unyielding

Hasta nakshatra ruled by the deity Savitar = The ultimate light of wisdom that awakens our consciousness. How alert, aware, and alive are we? The Sun (Savitur Deva) is not just the rising Sun, it is the Atman, the source of consciousness, the spiritual quantum, and the constant light. It puts light into our eyes (a yoni), our body and our world- that which animates us all.

By meditating on the brilliance, the highest source of light which may propel our minds from the material world to the subtle planes of existence. Making us stronger and clear, is where our desired results naturally come to us.

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ. Tat savitur varenyaṃ. Bhargo devasya dhīmahi. Dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt


The symbol of Hasta nakshatra is a hand, the tool we use to create, soothe, express, heal and to serve. This is one part that makes service a key Virgo. It is the compassion to show up and support. Saturn is the ruler of the 6th from Virgo this is what gives them the natural healing ability. The Vulture is also associated with it, a bird that does the job nobody wants.

This full Moon marks the Jayanti of Lord Hanuman Ji. The embodiment of the fortune found in a one-pointed disciplined mind steeped in love and devotion. He is the embodiment of the loving service to divinity.

ॐ आञ्जनेयाय विद्महे वायुपुत्राय धीमहि। तन्नो हनुमत् प्रचोदयात्॥ Om Anjaneyaya Vidmahe Vayuputraya Dhimahi। Tanno Hanumat Prachodayat॥

I wish you love and luck with the Full Moon in Virgo

Siri Prakash

Om Tat Sat
Eclipse season is just around the corner and Jupiter is about to make a key shift. It’s a great time to book a reading and see d how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2023-2024.
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