Reflection of Humanity Saturn's Retrograde May 10 – September 29th


Slowing down to take a turn in its path through Capricorn, Saturn takes us back beginning its retrograde at 7°49 returning to where we have already been. 

As part of his yearly cycle Saturn naturally retrogrades however 2020 is an extraordinary year of planetary shifts and this week is no exception, not only is Saturn retrograding, Venus and Jupiter joining in the lets all revisit and question everything phase.

Saturn in Capricorn indicates major changes in corporate structure and laws and how individual countries protect themselves highlighting their independence. It is a change in direction of the world, our work, karma, reducing everyone to a common man levelling the playing field. (look here for my original post on Saturn) Saturn here makes us take a critical look at our judgement with our long term strategy and resources.

Where we need to get is beyond our fear, beyond our resistance to the challenge, building our capacity to endure in order to make long term changes. It wants us to use our leadership and ethics responsibly and to look at how we are relating to it and how we are using our resources. 

Overall his 4.5 month long retrograde can bring us a needed pause to collect ourselves giving us a bit of break to come into our strength once again. We will feel his retrograde effects more intensely at the beginning and the end of his cycle May and September.

Of the two periods to watch and to watch are May and even more notably is September as Mars retrogrades, Jupiter moves direct and the Rahu and Ketu change signs. This indicates more a more difficult period with protests as we will have less patience and it can be we are taking risks. Don’t make major decision around this period.

Saturn itself gives us resilience, new structures, and changes in our status and position. It makes us take responsibility for our destiny direction. A key of Saturn in Capricorn is in its axis to the sign of Cancer this is where we need to pay attention and keep our head and heart connected. It wants us to connect with the higher octave of the Cancerian energy.

Saturn is in Uttara Ashadha during its retrograde this is the best nakshatra for us to have as it is ruled by lord Ganesha and the Sun. Uttarashada helps us to work through the challenges and obstacles to be victorious with lasting results . This is a place about success and the maintenance of if. It is a place that unifies, it wants us to be victorious, to achieve but in order to be victorious, we have to battle for it and then we have to maintain it.  Uttarashada brings truth by constructing a better structure.

Addressing our underlying anxiety and fear could be the most powerful way to handle the unexpected that arises over the coming months. Question everything, retain Saturn's qualities of practicality and deliberation and discern when to move, where to move and how quickly to move.

By changing of our relationship to our experience of Saturn is where we can excel and take advantage of all it brings.  Once we create the habit we connect with heart, our instinct and intuition shows us how and shows us when. Our internal celestial bodies connect with the heavenly celestial bodies. Life becomes easier.

If you have planets in Capricorn particularly your Moon, your moon or ascendant you will feel his retrograde the most or for those who are running Saturn Dasha or Ketu Dasha.

To book a reading click here and find out how Saturn will impact you in 2020!

I send you lots of love and luck with the retrograde phase of Saturn.
