Seeking - New Moon Taurus Vedic Astrology


The new Moon cycle that begins on June 13th in the Nakshatra of Mrigashira leads us into questioning our values and our opportunities. We are seeking a social and emotional connection that is linked to what we value, and the alignment with those who support us.

The Moon is powerfully placed in the home of Taurus where she is quite stable and strong, falling in a section of the sky owned by the nakshatra Mrigashira, whose resource stimulates a need within us to pursue our personal truth and to make a decision by choosing one direction, not falling prey by to many choices where we only wind up in frozen confusion.

We may be burdened by doubt and insecurities, or with a feeling of lack, where we think we need more inorder to move forward, but the reality is we have way too much and what we are lacking is a trust from within. This the core and fundamental truth that keeps our attention divided and unfocused on the one path requires our full nourishment to develop it.

A Taurus new Moon has an agenda of manifestation by stimulating us to be present in the this physical and miraculous earth plane, connecting with our desires and our senses, Mrigashira is the catalyst of this, it teaches us to deeply appreciate what we have right in front of us and to follow relentlessly it with the intelligence of our heart .

The revolution and revelation are stirring within us. The beauty arises when we are open to what is and who we came here to be.

What path will you take ? What holds you back?

I send you love and luck in this New Moon Cycle

Siri Prakash

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By Moon and Rising Sign - Vedic (sidereal)  

Aires The new Moon falls in your 2 house of financial issues with self worth coming into focus this cycle. Opening an important shift in your attitude with what you deserve. Practical instincts emerges and you  become more aware of your abilities and resources. Invest your energy into strengthening a  new sense of self reliance, committing to yourself and to your resourcefulness. Set your intentions for the prosperity and abundance you’d like to attract and connect with it everyday by actively doing something about it everyday. You have the ability to create what you desire.

Taurus The new Moon is in your 1st house self, self awareness, appearance and manifestation. Being self-focused helps you push forward, this is the theme for your this cycle. This is a new cycle of emotional evolution a time to commit to yourself with pure unencumbered freedom,  taking charge emotionally for who you are and what you need to do and you are courageous about making changes.

Gemini  The new new Moon falls in your 12th house the house of your subconscious mind, your hidden self and sexual pleasures. The Moon here supports the more the spiritual themes of reflection. You may  long for solitude; you need time alone to review all of your engagements and what is consuming your time with greater discernment. Your emotional responses can be heightened and intuition heightened as the moon transits your 12th house. Emotionally you may not have the energy to keep up old habits; much needs to be shed in preparation for a fresh start. Make a commitment in this cycle to let go what does not serve you and longer and commit to what you love. Commit to your spiritual practice and focus their take time out from outer engagements to give you space to reflect make the most of this energy you are your best company and you have the answers within.

Cancer  your 11th house of gains , aspirations and ambitions open your eyes and see who is really there for you. New companions appear, with possibilities you would not have come up with alone. Group participation will be very nourishing, though you may realize you are no longer drawn to people you once cherished. Get out there and mix with people you may be surprised with your new collaboration partners.

Leo Your 10th house of achievement, career and public status. Your ability to accomplish is highlighted  so use this energy to re-focus your energies in order to achieve mastery , consider what is driving your ambitions make sure it is for the long term and not the short. Be passionate with your to-do list get the work in, it will pay off.

Libra Your 8th house of hidden resources, longevity and the occult. This cycle brings into awareness the hidden facets of yourself- especially ones that need attention. You can see more clearly where you sabotage yourself. Issues between yourself and others, especially ones involving money and /or power come to a head, requiring a confrontation to transform.  

Scorpio Your 7th house house of partners- all important relationships This cycle bring to the the forefront of your your emotional connections with others. Good time to release old expectations; you review what you require in a relationship. Open yourself and consider the needs of others this will give you more energy to collaborate.  Important alliances that elevate you can appear in this cycle.

Sagittarius Your 6th house Worry, health and service financial worries enemies. Emerging creativity now demands work and effort to make it enduring. Useful, undiscovered productive skills emerge this cycle. Daily rhythms need to adjusting, and attention to your disciplines and habits that suit your constitution. Your stomach/digestion becomes more aligned with your emotional state, make dietary adjustments if you are worried walk around the block move your body and connect with your breath.

Capricorn Your 5th house creativity what you really love, children, it's also the house of mantra Search out whatever/whoever warms your heart.  Feel less inhibited to connect with others it is a highly fertile period, great for planning and connecting.  Ask yourself how you’d want to express yourself with what you create. What is the legacy you would like to leave.

Aquarius Your 4th house nourishment, emotional involvement and property. Your emotional antennae turns inward during this cycle, you become more aware of what you need from your emotional life. Most importantly, you are questioning are you getting/giving yourself good nourishment? A good time to clear out your inner space and your home give your environment a reset attracting more.

Pisces 3rd house of initiatives , communications ambitions and willpower An increase in confidence with your attention and focus upon what you are saying and how you are saying it. Important conversations can take place with illuminate possibilities, opening new  pathways thinking and exchanging information. Hunger for answers can have you networking in new places, returning to school, making new friends.