In the Name of the Cosmos

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The Rulers of the Ages Meet in Capricorn November 19th until April 5th 2021

The Rulers of the Ages meet, shifting the energy from the fire into the element of the earth for the next 200 years. The element of fire has been running since 1821 where we experienced the industrial revolution, atomic energy, oil, gas and creation of plastic. The earth is the last in the elements which lead us into a larger new cycle of beginnings.

The meeting of these two great planets always ushers in an era of significant changes in our lives. They lay the foundation for change, the manifestation of Jupiter and Saturn the concrete reality. The Universe always gives a sign before great changes, this signal was the 2019 December eclipse involving a six planetary pile up in a fire sign opening the doorway of shifts of changes to come.

These two giants first met in March in the earth element of Capricorn at the beginning of the global lockdown began. From March to June we witnessed the earth as it began to heal. We were stopped in our tracks to observe to take notice, the lockdown has cut us with our past, the crossing of the doorway in the new age. 

The Earth is our nourishment, our food, our wealth, resources, earth resources, gold, land, agriculture, its what holds and anchors us. Whenever energy is activated the opposite will challenge us this is the polarity of the earth experience. In the year of the 4 (2020 ) the heart and stability have been challenged to the hilt. We are more fearful and more unstable than ever. This is also observed with Saturn in opposition to the sign of Cancer. Do we choose fear and restriction or do we choose love and compassion?

The many gifts that come with the element of the earth bring equally challenges. The activation of the earth element indicates an increase in sensory pleasures and the seeking of pleasure will dominate in its cycle.

We had our first taste of this at the beginning of the lockdown humans consumed Netflix, and shopped on Amazon the seeking of distraction, entertainment, and mental intrigues rather than the enhancement of the self. The earth element also has the potential to divide people into groups or tribes as it were. We have seen this massively play out with politics, Covid where we have canceled people to their beliefs instead of building a bridge. Water will become more precious during the earth cycle.

We will see significant changes in how we transact, with people, countries, and our money systems through 2022 creating new systems and government restructuring. New sources of energy, moving away from oil which is connected to the fire element. 

Stability and Security will be our prime concern throughout 2021, during this period Jupiter will move through two Saturn signs where Saturn maintains his power and dominance over Jupiter through April of 2022. Jupiter’s transit into the sign of Capricorn is what is known as a neecha bhanga yoga, joined with the sign ruler however, this is not a victory for Jupiter. Jupiter joining Capricorn will bring an economic crash and then together they will work slowly to rebuild financial structures as it moves between Capricorn through April and then into the sign of Aquarius where it will start a retrograde in June and move back into Capricorn in September - November.

Jupiter will be under that aspect of Rahu from the earth sign of Taurus here is a real weakness where we seek to find security and restored pleasure at any cost without the consideration of the consequence of our choices, after all, he is the pleasure head with without the body to digest. 

The work through April of 2022 to restore will be well worth the effort becoming freer and healed financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Coming through more strong and prosperous horizons.

We count on Jupiter's positive and expansive energy to uplift, educate and connect us to the inherent wisdom of nature. In 2021 we are seeing the glass half full with very little wiggle where some suffering is due to and sacrifices need to be made. We are faced with skillfully balancing expansion and contraction and with building a practical container of our resources, health and wealth.

There is auspicious energy is still available, but it will be harder to access. When our good deeds are met with our hard work is where we will be met with success

With so many changes and challenges, It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and see how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021

I wish you love, luck, and strength with the transit of Jupiter

Siri Prakash

Key dates for Jupiter in 2021

November 19th in Capricorn with Saturn 

Jupiter moves into Aquarius on April 6th

Jupiter Retrograde June 21st in Aquarius 

Jupiter Retrogrades back into Capricorn September 15th

Jupiter direct in Capricorn October 17th

Jupiter in Aquarius November 21st