Trust in Your Unfolding - Aries Lunar Eclipse in Bharani Nakshatra


Becoming eclipsed at 21° of Aries the Full Moon joins Rahu amplifying the expression of Bharni nakshatra.

The Moon is the lens through which we experience and create, reflecting the conditioning by our environment, our habits and the gifts we are refining from previous births.

We act out the cycles of life through the Moon every day, from the moment we open our eyes in the morning our lens turns on and begins to create, project and attach. Throughout the day we are sustaining it through our core beliefs and habits and when we finally close our eyes to sleep or even to meditate we experience a little death. Only to repeat it once more. Everyone is in their own UNIverse.

The diety expressed through the eclipsed Moon is Yama- the enforcer of universal law, the king of dharma and the brother of Saturn. Embodying the traits of determination and truthfulness it is a star that carries meanings of the growth that take place in hidden ways to be birthed with suddenness and revelation.

The eclipsed moon's opposition with Ketu, Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra reflects our transactional desire. The things we agree to and exchange with others now brim to the surface for the purpose of flourishing through the clearing and making better agreements with ourselves.

Saturn is squaring the Moon and the Sun and is quite heavily involved with this eclipse. Making us more acutely aware of our sense of belonging, connection and the resource we have of nourishment with his sight on the sign Cancer. The dialogue of our interconnectedness and how it manifests into the material.

Retrograde Mars depositing the eclipsed Moon activates an urgency within us by increasing our sense of frustration, restlessness and a lack of confidence as it exposes our deepest hidden feelings. This will be a topic until January 12th when the path opens up after Mars investigates the sign of Taurus.

Eclipses are transformational for us all they are also omens of disruption for the mundane and world events, especially in their path of visibility. Nature is always communing in a secret language it takes practice to learn it and then to decipher it.

Look from your ascendant, and Moon and read your chart from there, it will give you a good indication of the areas to focus on for the next six months and will tell you need to investigate and develop the courage to deliver the rebirthed you.

If you have planets at 21° degrees or if you have planets in Aries or if you are in Rahu/ Moon or Moon Rahu dasha you will feel this more significantly.

It is a very sensitive time so be kind and thoughtful to others and trust your unfolding.

I wish you love and luck during the eclipse cycle.

Siri Prakash

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