The Searcher Rahu in Mrigashirsha the Quest for Truth
Rahu reaches Mrigashira on May 20th a Mars ruled nakshatra in the shoulder of Orion, Mirgashira star field spans the early part of Gemini and the latter portion of Taurus. Nakshatras are very sensitive and they yield very different effects, in the different sections (pada’s) and signs. In this summary I will focus on the Gemini portion of Mirgrashira through September 22nd.
Rahu enters into Mrigashira at 6° 40 of Gemini under the influence of Mars, indicating that the first two months are the most intense through August 18th, as Rahu moves into Mrigashira it breaks the alliance with Ketu in Mula nakshatra and begins to break away with the old energy.
Through June 2nd, Mars who is currently in Aquarius will be in Shatabhisha, a Rahu ruled nakshatra makes an even more intense connection with these two energies of Rahu and Mars. Another consideration is the upcoming solar eclipse on June 21st will fall under Mrigashira also under the gaze of Mars. Making this period of time dominated by Mars and Rahu.
Indications: Rahu Is the head of the dragon, the sensitive elliptical point of the Moon. Rahu and Ketu move in a continuous retrograde motion tracking backwards which in itself gives a clue to how they shake things up. They make things more smokey and more exaggerated. This Mrigrashira portion of the constellations is the warriors place of searching more like that of Arjun and Hanuman.
Gemini the sign of communication is where Rahu and Mars energy is focused and trying to discern information, the connecting of the dots. Mrigashira expresses an intellectual search for truth oriented towards communication and research. It can awaken a more analytical flavour of Mercury and with its connection to Mars it brings in strong problem-solving skills.
The challenge with Rahu in this constellation is that it can be restless in its searching and change paths too quickly. If we are Impulsive in our search for the collecting and gathering of the information our mental stress and confusion can put pressure on our psyche. A potential to ignite our anxiety, scattered thoughts in our searching for meaning. Our sensitivity is heightened now, we can become overly sensitive and or have a lack of sensitivity for others. Our anger and aggression is ignited by a lack of sensitivity through June 18th.
With both the highs and lows of both Mercury and Mars being stirred up it points toward the use of technology and tactical wisdom, as mentioned previously make sure you where you are consuming your information from. The connection or Mercury and Mars also indicates an increase in cyber stalking so make sure you have your protection in place.
When Mars moves into Pisces on June 18th, the spiritual questing energy will come out through August 16th. As Mrigashira is related to the eyes and our ability to see beyond the 3d realm. It’s and extremely powerful time of spiritual practices . The eclispe under Mrigrashira and with Ketu still in Mula nakshatra until Sept 23rd there will be deep questing for enlightenment and spiritual questing and the trick will be to go deeply with one path.
Mrigrashira is a very spiritual place it's deity is Soma, the god of elixir the nectar of Amrita, the life and vital subtle forces that are created to manifest the physiological components of enlightenment. Soma is the most important part of Vedic culture and in its rituals.
Keys- Look to where Rahu, Mercury and your Mercury is, and then synchronise it.
If you have planets up to 6° 40 of Gemini particularly Ascendent, Sun or Moon in Gemini. If your Rahu is here then you are experiencing a Rahu return. Lastly If your are running the dasha of Rahu or Mercury you will feel it more
Tips: Mirgrasha is connected to scent and herbs ,essential oils are key now for our immune system and for uplifting us and changing the energy in our spaces in which we are spending so much time. Herbs are also key in taking care of our immune system.
I send you lots of love and luck with the transit of Rahu into Mrigashira
Its a great time to book a reading and see what coming up for you