
Arriving in the sign that exalts her, the Moon merges with the Sun at 8° of Taurus where she is greeted by Venus and Mercury.  The nakshatra filling our consciousness is Krittika nakshatra, located in the Pleiades, a star field ruled by the Sun and the deity Agni, where it is said that our soul comes into being, whose shakti lies in its precision and ignition. 

The New Moon is dominated by a powerful Venus and the earth-based constellation of Taurus, putting the spotlight on our security and that which nourishes us. Here all four planets are under the gaze of two powerful planets, Mars and a retrograde Jupiter, both equally irritated. Venus awakens the desire of Mars, suggesting that the new Moon cycle is where we will be looking to our personal sense of leadership to assess our position and the seeking of guidance on how to rejuvenate ourselves, how to reinvent ourselves, with a sharp eye watching our leadership. 

The blend of the energy of the new Moon along with three key retrograde planets  indicates a period the days surrounding the new Moon we can feel tired of processing, a bit burned out, needing to refill our tanks to prepare for the next push. It indicates a time to simplify a cutting away of illusions in order to deepen our understanding, connecting with a deeper part of us, a reconnection with our self and purpose. 

Use the new Moon energy as an opportunity to access your inherent, internal wisdom by unplugging from the barrage of confusing, chaotic messaging. Take the time necessary to heal. Surround yourself by the earthly splendor, slow down and relish in beauty and pleasure. 

Venus is leading us through a journey of reflection in the areas of our wealth,  our welfare, relationships and creativity, The way that we love, the way we earn and the creativity of it is ready for recalibration. The new moon is preparing us to embrace inevitable change with the great tension between the past and the future, we have the opportunity to create significant and long-lasting changes within the fabric of society.

With great rebellion and creative genius, we can find new paths and do our parts, large and small. Conjure up our inventiveness, think outside the box and find unusual solutions to become increasingly self-sufficient within our communities. Never forget we have tremendous resources  within ourselves, the earth and beyond!  

I send you lots of love and luck during the new Moon cycle


Its a great time to book a reading and see what coming up for you