Defining what you need- New Moon in Libra


The new Moon joins the Sun at 21° in the constellation of Libra on November 7th in Vishaka nakshatra, a place of fire and of purpose. It is the crossing of threshold where we become like an arrow, with a one pointed focus awakening the opportunity to hear our calling and to aim for higher goals.

The movement of Mars into Aquarius just one a day before our November new Moon, marks an important shift, with a notable sense of release and relief. Now free and uncorrupted by the influence of Rahu and Ketu, Mars will awaken our inspiration, in the coming weeks, improving our perception and our attention to detail, while is resides in field of Dhanishta.

The dark new Moon’s partner, the Sun is in its debilitated place in Libra, where it’s light is humbled and disrupted. The diminished light of both the Sun and the Moon, is to teach us to navigate and to locate what awakens our heart and what makes it sing, where we feel free and uplifted, it is in the darkness where we must listen, to find our courage to make a choice and commit to it.

In the days surrounding the new Moon we may experience, low physical and mental energy, this is echoed by the weakened Sun and with the the ruler of Libra, Venus, who is in its retrograde motion, although powerful in its own house, its effect can disrupt its natural expression inclining us to be less social and more withdrawn.

As the sky is the teller of time and the unfolding of our of karmas, we still can change our destiny by taking action everyday, this November new Moon is encouraging us to cross the threshold of indecisiveness and turn it into action. With the first step forward we honour ourselves by becoming ourselves, becoming visible to the universe so that miracles can find us.

This is a powerful time of integration that serves as a catalysing moment in our Soul’s journey to wholeness, Vishaka nakshatra is only concerned with dedication and devotion we need both to achieve anything worthwhile. Define what you need and move forward with sheer intent.

I wish you a very Happy Diwali, the light of eternal abundance, that shines within you everyday

Siri Prakash

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