This is the chart for August 1st
August is a fast and fiery activated month separated by two distinct periods. The first half of August we are more focused on our desires with Venus joined Rahu in Gemini and with a now fast moving Mercury moving into the sign of Cancer from August 1st -16th.
Our creative energies are more prominent and fluid, even though there is a tense aspect from Saturn to Mercury in Cancer and with the Full Moon in Capricorn (a Saturn sign) on the 3rd of August, the first half of the month is communicating a need of structure to our creative flow, our desires, to put the ideas into form in this new reality we are living in.
On August 16th Mars moves into Aries, awakening his initiatory realm, giving us the opportunity to wield our power, the key is to do it with attention and direct it, not getting trapped in fear. Mars like to solve problems this is his best strength. Mars focus in August is initiating new phases and starts to make bold moves under our shared collective of unstable and challenging circumstances.
The Same day Mars changes signs, the Sun moves home into Leo, his yearly visit to his throne of authority, he now is un-afflicted and out of the gaze of his enemy Saturn bringing power and strength until September 16th. He is receiving a nice aspect from Jupiter, where we regain a pure quality of light that inspires us to find our strength, to find our true north.
Following the Sun on the same day a quick moving Mercury, moves into Leo also coming under the glance of Jupiter energising him. It heralds beneficial time for creative communication, writing, branding, financial planning and exploring new educational pursuits.
In the early hours of the 19th of August we have beautiful New Moon in Leo where it creates a force of will, a fire of self authority. I will write more in detail on both August lunation’s later during the month.
Mid August we will feel a significant shift, from inward to outward, as all the fire signs are activated: Aires, Leo and Sagittarius, bringing a powerful combination of energies where we can feel like we can do things, create things, bringing a positive energy to us.
In addition to this initiatory activation, Mars in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn are completely energising all of the cardinal signs of the Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These are the places that can move and shake things.
This indicates as the fire signs activated to start projects, the cardinal signs are the places to make connections and keep things steadily moving. And with five planets now strong in their position from the 16th, though mid September ( Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu) they offer a beneficial support to us.
It is important to get things done this month, come mid September there will be marked changes. Don't feel pressured, feel inspired.
I send you lots of love and luck with August strength of will and courage
It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you
Check out my new YouTube channel and subscribe for more planetary influences
Siri Prakash
Key Dates
Venus in Gemini until August 31st
Mercury in Cancer 1st - August 16th
Full Moon in Capricorn August 3
Lord Krishna Jayanti (birthday) August 11th
Mars in Aries August 16 – October 4
Sun in Leo August 16 – September 15
Ganesh Jayanti (birthday) August 22nd
Mercury in Leo August 16 – September 1
New Moon in Leo August 19