In the Name of the Cosmos

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Reflection of Humanity Aquarius New Moon in Purva Bhadrapada

The darkness of the Moon ushers in a new cycle of changes straddling our eclectic individuality and the pathways of the transcendence. The depositor of the Moon, Saturn and the Jupiter ruled nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada highlights the Jupiter Saturn conjunction, the contraction of freedom, the tension before birth.

This section of Aquarius is filled with electricity, ruled by the mystical deity Ajaikapada, part Naga and part Rudra, the one footed goat, connected to the Kundalini Shakti, the mother channel of sudden change.

This New Moon cycle is challenging with a combination of exhaustion and hope. The Sun and Venus conjunction and Mars approaching Rahu the tension is rising. It suggests that this is not a time for making it a time for bold steps, rather a time to learn how to sort out and make things work on practical levels, so keep it organised and balanced and you’ll receive rewards for your courage in seeing the broader context. 

The planets are beginning to separate, elevating tensions, and when Jupiter moves into Aquarius next month and Mars leaves Taurus we will see beneficial changes. 

Lean into your breath and Mantra and let them work for you, as the original Rudra did to transform into the auspicious Lord Shiva. Feel the sound of divine dancing in all of your cells and elevating your frequency, create our own still point, a perfectly balanced position that keeps you aligned with your purpose, despite the chaos and distractions of the outer world, where we find our real joy no matter what.

I send you lots of love during this new Moon cycle

Siri Prakash

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and how you can better direct your focus and energy