Leo Full Moon in Purva Phalguni


The tides of our minds rise with a surge, in the dissection of our preconceptions and desires in the center of the King's residence, the sign of Leo in Purva Phalguni nakshatra.

Dominated by the fire of the Sun, Mars and a burnt out Venus is where the creative paintings of our mind and karma of our actions are exposed to be observed. We are in a cycle where we may feel let down, feeling as though we may have made errors in the choices of our unions. The union is not limited to physical relations; it is also the union of our thoughts, beliefs, and commitments. Where we may have misjudged the power of it to bear fruit.

In opposition to the Full Moon is a combust Venus the planet of our relationships and pleasure in earthly delights. Venus now lost from view in the dawn twilight, absent and scorched by the fire of the Sun. Venus remains an important planet for us this year as she hosts her friend Rahu the change maker. Aspecting the Full Moon is an agitated Mars is pushing on our physical and mental limitations. Mars is a hungry planet searching for a solution, his energy brings brashness to the Moon expression.

Fourth from the Moon resides Ketu, digging and seeking, assessing our satisfaction, evaluating the results of where, what, and who we are plugging ourselves into? In which outlet are we receiving the juice that puts the pleasure in our step, that straightens our spine when we walk, and the courage that engages us to move forward?

During this Full Moon cycle, our relationships and our creative projects are greatly challenged and the energy can feel dampened. The lesson unfolding is of caution in the desire for union, not only the obvious physical union more importantly our emotional and mental union. What you are binding yourself to? What are you giving your lifeforce to?

With Saturn shaking Jupiter with what is real, what is true, what is reliable we remain in the throes of great changes that continue to thrash around us.

Our emotional mind longs for connection, but it is the fiery energy of our heart we need,  the place of our inner freedom, the place that speaks the truth, the place more neurons than our brain, yet we foolishly remain top-heavy.

This is the last of the Full Moons of Winter, this is where we can take the layers off and lighten our load. Embrace your journey of change and have courage, the universe always meets us halfway.

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021

I wish you love and luck with the Full Moon in Leo

Siri Prakash