Ketu Solar eclipse in Scorpio in Jyeshtha Nakshatra  Shakti Has Arrived

The Sun and Moon at nearly 18° degrees joined with Mercury in Jyeshta and Ketu churns in Anuradha. From the eclipse Venus is in the 2nd what we hold as important comforts, Saturn the 3rd how we collaborate and Jupiter in 4th our home, where we find nourishment, Mars the depositor of the eclipse is in transition moving from the 12th and Rahu is 7th relational contracts. 

Both of our financial planets (Moon and Mercury) and Sun and Moon governing planets indicate big changes with finance and how we are operating within the next month will come into effect.

Scorpio is the sign of Shakti deep feminine force, a tantric space where the power lies in our endurance and face the challenge of what lies deep within and drink our poison to alchemize it into our remedy.  Becoming our strength and healing and our mastery in the depth of love. 

The difference here lies in our optics, for if we are willing to let go, this eclipse represents emancipation or liberation and say thank you for this pain I accept it as my liberator and I ask Sarasvatī to give me wisdom and sweetness in my heart and tongue to pierce them with elevation and those I encounter.

If we are not willing to let go, we experience a sense of loss. This is where the pain truly lies, as the mind wheels our experience. From reading the chart and looking ahead, what I see is that it is critical that we hold the frequency of love deeply in our hearts so that this becomes our embodied vibration. 

Practically finance, and what we plan gets put on ice, it’s difficult to get information, and people will withhold information. Once Mars crosses the eclipse point at the end of December more will be visible.

Those who are Scorpio, Gemini, and Virgo ascendant, Sun or Moon Leo rising, or are running a Sun/Ketu or Ketu /Sun period or Sun/Rahu or Rahu/Sun period and if you have key planets like the Sun, Moon, or the Ascendant at 18-20 degrees of Scorpio, then you have to be particularly cautious not do things that you know are bad for you. 

I send you love and luck during the eclipse cycle

Siri Prakash

ॐ बृं बृहस्पतये नम:
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