A Time of Twilight New Moon in Pisces


The Moon, our mind, intersects with the Sun, our soul, at 11° Pisces taking its resource from Uttara Bhādrapadā, on the hunt for lasting meaning. The ruling deity Ahirbudhnyar is the root, the binder, the serpent of the depths its the Ananta Shesha, the force between the air and earth, the magnetic gravity seeking the essential truth, a serious place of digging and listening witnessing the nature of coming and going, of what can be created can also be destroyed, it searches for what is everlasting and our connection to it.

Pisces is the house of dissolution and of transformation, where we are taken to our depths, pushing many of us to our perceived limits and our natural inclination to avoid the uncomfortable. We are globally forced to sit with ourselves with everything stripped away to seek out the depths of our essential truth to find a balance between courage and fear when it comes to making decisions, rather than simply falling into the escapist potential of the Piscean energy. 

As humans we are saturated in emotions, experiencing their friction against our thoughts and perceptions where they intertwine and colour our lives. In the Vedic system, Saturn is at the heart of all water signs, teaching us maturity and responsibility in the expression and processing of our emotions. Much like a river needs walls to lead it to the ocean where it finds its depth and foundation, we too are best served when we are aligned with focus and purpose. 

We are in the dissolution of the Piscean Age and the birth of the new. How you choose to act now within the chamber of your heart, the place with the power of 108 Suns is your key and how you train your mind is the door. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra encourages activities that are intended to bring back steadiness to what is everlasting

2020 is the year of the four, the year of the heart and the creation of new structures. Astrologically it is a revolutionary time, much like the sixties, a year of many changes and through the end of April is the toughest part of it. We are turning a corner into a new era of social responsibility, sustainability, and self-awareness.

The lesson of the March New Moon is to let our heart take over and to gain control of our emotions and the negative programming by creating better path-ways get connected by leaning into your mantra, as it cuts through the overflow of the subconscious mind. The sound current is the echolocation of the soul connecting us to the infinite. It is important that we stay alert and in our hearts. 

At the time of the new Moon Mars is in his early stage of exaltation in the sign of Capricorn, bringing us strength in this time of crisis. An increased enforcing presence as Mars, the soldier, joins Saturn, the general, in Capricorn, where both are very strong, expressing their strength and dominance in the enforcement of a need to follow the rules.

This conjunction of Mars and Saturn will activate fear and anxiety, as Capricorn is Vata and Mars is fiery the two together both fanning the flames. With this strong conjunction active, it is advisable to give yourself projects to direct your energy through the beginning of May. Work now to recreate your entire being and see how you will blossom. Devote yourself to learn something new to recreate yourself as you truly want to be.Venus will nurture us for an extended period of time as it moves into the sign of Taurus from the 28th until the last week of July indicating improvement in finances and health. 

This twilight is a mystical time, with deep spiritual potential.  A realm of inner healing is expanding in the year to come, especially for those who seek knowledge and self-understanding.

May all beings have access to the comfort and nurturing they need, may we all access the courage we need and may we all practice compassion to open the space for the changes to come.

I send you lots of love

Siri Prakash