Preparing the Canvas for Change Venus transits Libra October 18th- November 10th

Entering the area of dynamic changes Venus arrives in its office, its mooltrikona sign of Libra. Under the steady glance of Saturn Venus approaches Ketu the great liberator in the eclipse zone.

Venus the planet of our worldly expression prepares for the trial of transformation ready to review the balance sheet and debts. Libra sign that needs balance, on the mundane level it is the place of merchants, trade, markets, and politics. When the lord of the sign is involved with the eclipse it magnifies the significance and indicates a difficult situation to be met. 

The presence of the Sun, Ketu and Venus in Libra brings our attention to what we are saying yes too, what we are sacrificing of our individual integrity, to promote a show in the world. It along with Ketu examine the relationship we have with others and the promises we made that are imbalanced.

Venus is challenged through December even after it moves on from Libra, it is in its state of deep transformation, when you contemplate its journey it will reveal many things to you in your own chart. Venus, Saturn, Sun and Ketu will assess the state of our values, what we create and where our devotion lies, this includes a devotion and worship of our own negative thinking. 

During the transit of Venus we may feel absolutely stretched, pressed and released all at the same time with seemingly no ground beneath our feet but knowing the way to reconnect is by crossing the threshold of change and adjusting our relationship with ourselves and the expression of ourselves in the world. 

Actively observe your relationship with yourself, and the love you have for yourself , adjust it as needed. This shift in awareness will naturally support the making of better decisions impacting our joy, relationships, business, health and enjoyment.  

Lastly, Venus has an interesting relationship with both Saturn and Ketu. The great Guru planet is involved with both sides. Although Ketu likes to trouble Bhaga the god of wealth, it will also will make kings and give prominence.  This Venus connection with Ketu is noteworthy for those in luxury and artistic creations. The creation through devotion and dedication brought into the material manifest can bring some surprising results.

Wishing you the blessings of Maa Lakshmi

Siri Prakash

a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2023, the upcoming eclipses and learn how you can direct your focus and energy to get the best results.

if you are feeling the challenge of Venus you can chant om shum shukraya namah or to Maa Lakshmi