Tension in the Realm of the Collective Mars in LEO July 20th – September 5th
Supported and guided by Jupiter Mars awakens the themes of power, strength, independence, and freedom. In the backdrop are transiting Venus and the Sun both bringing our attention to our individual needs.
In his early degrees in Leo Mars will be focused on dharma and helping those in need, we will feel a surge of energy that was lacking while he was in Cancer. After he passes the 3:00 mark of Leo, Mars shifts into dominance for the remainder of his transit as he aspects Ketu forming a difficult T square between Jupiter, Mars, and Ketu all in fixed signs.
Mars is a hungry planet, a hunter, a soldier, and an enforcer, he marches to the orders of the king the Sun (government), and to his friend Jupiter( law). All three planets activate a rather strong leadership grip addressing the world’s challenges and liabilities. Mars will continue to rise in power into August particularly when the Sun returns to his natal Leo on August 16th. As Mars starts to combust on August 17th Mars will animate the atmosphere with tension in the collective consciousness.
Look to where Mars is punctuating in your chart by knowing what area he rules and what the sign of Leo represents for you. The area he awakens is where he will challenge you, drive you and light the fire under you to follow through. Use this strength and focus to identify and repair the weak spots that Venus is working to build through the 10th of August.
Mars' fiery nature will dominate the energies through the late Summer; in Leo he is definitely asserting his will, it's up to you how you put his force and courage to work in your day to day life, when Mars is directed he does not back down, a necessary component with the upcoming full Moon on the 23rd.
Stay alert and focused listening with guided reception especially around the Full Moon.
In his gaze of communication with Ketu, the fiery pair awakening our intuition, visible omens, and clarity in our dreams.
I wish you love and luck with the transit of Mars
Siri Prakash
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