Heightened States of Sensitivity - Partial Full Moon in Taurus/Krittika November 19th

The communion of the divine at the threshold of change is at 3° degrees of Taurus, receiving messages from Venus its depositor who is in the 8th house from the Moon and an agitated Mars giving its’s 8th aspect to the eclipse point.

Even with the Moon is at its exaltation point its shaken and awakened by Rahu, Mars and Venus not finding the rest normally it would in Taurus, it's noisy, tense and impulsive. Sensing something is amok, feeling emotionally provoked especially around issues of security. finance, agriculture, food and the home environment- the things that add to our baseline of stability.

The Moon and Rahu both in Krittika nakshatra, ruled Kartikeya and by Agni, and governed by the Sun (the activation of fire ) implies a strong sense of self-interest, self-protection and self-expression -the speaking up of what must be said, it also carried the enforcement of new regulations and rules from the government.

Lunar eclipses are naturally the place of unpacking our unconscious drives where we can learn to accept our fears as part of the natural journey without them overtaking us. Each moment we have the power to channel a highway of change that runs within -it starts with the command of the breath that directs our thought waves that impact the emotional programming we give ourselves. Thoughts are the language of the mind and emotions are the language of the body.

Lunar eclipses offer us the opportunity to recognise the root cause that throws us and to exchange it with new skills adapting our reactions and actions to create a healthier existence even amongst the most challenging of moments. The divine is always receptive and supportive only waiting for us to awaken from our sleepy dream of the past and come into the present.

Eclipses are deeply transformative windows of time that animate the ether to magnify and shift consciousness on the earthly plane, amplifying the effects of our spiritual practices, prayers and kindness. Use is wisely

I send you love and luck with the eclipse cycle

Siri Prakash

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