Working through our Fears and looking for Justice Mars in Aquarius

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Mars in Aquarius from May 4th until June 18th

We are well-underway inside a great paradigm shift, which has cracked us open, thrusting us into a world that we barely recognise. The month of May presents profound shifts astrologically with three planets going retrograde Saturn, Jupiter and Venus later this month making May quite a complex period.

Let's concentrate in this post on the transit of Mars into the sign of Aquarius and look at its implications during his six week stay.

As Mars moves away from Saturn on May 4th he comes into the gaze of Rahu for the sign of Gemini although he has moved from Saturn, he remains under its influence. Mars is fire and Aquarius is air Aquarius is a place of independence, of our rebellious nature where we want to be free, yet at the heart of it there is a desire to serve to care for the collective mass of humanity that we all are. Mars brings the energy of how we manage and use our power, our fire and direct our resources.

Mars transit in Aquarius combined with the influence of Rahu, makes it far more radical, Mars will seek justice. It can be a fundamental and aggressive time, a place of social action making change quite quickly but not necessarily for the good.

Money, our rights and the truth are resounding themes this month, as we begin to sort fact from fiction. We’re listening and we are speaking quite loudly now since the transit of Mercury into Mars home of Aries last month. This is the age of information, but it is also the age of misinformation, so we must all beware.

Mars, with his problem-solving prowess, can insist on changes that protect our rights, keep us safely housed, fed and healthy. We may see these “insisted upon” changes being met with great resistance with Saturn being the host of Mars for the next six weeks.

Mars is Looking to the sign of Taurus where Venus is sitting, indicating it's time to question our desires, while recalibrating how we form relationships and support ourselves in our interactions with others we can pick fights that aren't worth it so take care how you are communicating.

Mars transit into Aquarius is a time to explore our courage to change though these fires of transformation. Mars wants us to meet our shadows and fears, and to rise to a new level of transformation and spiritual potential. This requires vigilance, strength, gentleness, and trust in our unfoldment as we work hard to survive and help others do the same.

There are three distinct periods of Mars transit where he will change Nakshatra positions worth mentioning

Mars in Dhanishta Nakshatra 4th -14th As Mars gives us the courage and the ability to deal with obstacles, here Mars shines a light on our collective difficulty in material resources. Mars desires us to discover a rhythm, one that supports the wealth of steadiness that leads to the creation of lasting success and to turn our talent into recognition material into resources. Mars will initiate the observance of what kind of resources you have, the known and unknown. The clues are actually all around you, you are a being and this means you automatically have assets on this earth, polish your assets and create your prosperity. How we get success is by being successful.

Mars in Satabhisha 14th- June 3rd Ruled by Rahu, is about making the connection, taking a leadership position, taking the subtle and making it concrete in an earth form this will be a time where we can call for the demand for wide open spaces. Where we are more prone to speak out in a and say what is the truth in a rational way exposing the truth and the lies. Mars here will make connections piecing together information. A question that Krishna asks Arjuna that is worth contemplating is-Which is better knowledge or Action? This If action is not guided by wisdom then what is it? Wisdom without action? This is something to be considered while Mars is under Shatabhisha

Key in this time is to calibrate and qualify yourself in the direction of your energy and keep focused.

Mars in Purvabhadra Pada June 3rd -18th This is a fire Naga Nakshatra part of a pair. A place ruled by the original form of Shiva where it turns anger into a quest for the higher self truth, direct your efforts to more important aspects of your reality and don't allow yourself to be consumed with anger, as the anger will burn your resources. There is a place of elevation to be found here this space is connected to the Kundalini energy a place of consciousness, destroying the bondage. Use cooling oils on your feet to take the heat from the head that Mars will bring during his stay, practice alternate nostril breathing. 

Lastly, Mars will aspect from this place the signs of Taurus, Leo and Virgo, so please take note of these houses in your natal chart. Especially take a closer look at Virgo in your chart is a tricky spot in our individual charts, and as always it is important to look at what Dasha you are running.

I send you lots of love and luck the the transit of Mars into Aquarius

Siri Prakash

Vedic Astrology was called the Eye of the Vedas – because this spiritual science, studying the influence of cosmic movements on your energy body helps you to see clearly. Now is a great time to book a reading