Image Indgo
The path of our consciousness intersects with our soul 22° Pisces in Revati nakshatra where the Moon, our emotional body searches for truth as our minds and hearts get thrown into the deep end of our fantasy and overwhelm, in an attempt to escape the pressures of time.
Revati nakshatra nourishes the Moon guiding us to our next destination as it’s lord Mercury (our conscious mind) asists us to find interesting and creative solutions to practical problems.
It’s Jupiter, the lord of Pisces who deposits the Moon with its seriousness. Jupiter is under tremendous pressure from four powerful malefics -Saturn, Ketu and by aspect Rahu and Mars making it difficult to remain positive for the next few weeks under their influence until April 23rd.
April is a time for figuring it out and getting out of our way, it is a month of true beginnings according to Vedic and yogic cycles, the planetary energies influencing our April new Moon are intimately connected to the power of Shakti in Revati yet her environment is filled with a tough love lesson, she feeds and nurtures yet she must restrict and teach us discipline so we may reach our destination.
Revati suggests a need for us to share our grace, kindness, and compassion in by doing so we are nourished and protected in the face of change or transition. Where the more we give, the more we are replenished - experiencing the greatest prosperity is through charity.
We came here to grow on this polarity planet and we only grow through pressure and by facing it we become stronger and brighter. We are being taught to be comforted by discomfort, wherein the challenges become easy when met with enthusiasm and a sense of play.
Every seed needs to sprout to bloom in ecstasy dancing in the light of the Sun. Cross the threshold and become visible to the universe so that miracles can find you.
I send you love and luck during this New Moon Cycle
Siri Prakash
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I am teaching a workshop in Hamburg on the 28th of April , you can find information in my website workshops, or click below.