In the Zone of the Eclipse Jupiter Returns to Sagittarius
Leaving the side of Saturn and his place of debilitation, Jupiter returns home to fiery Sagittarius, his place of strategy and sermon, casting his gaze onto the signs of Aries, Gemini and Leo.
Jupiter returns to a hot zone, the place of the December 2019 eclipse, the one that kicked everything off for 2020, and the place of our last Summer eclipse on July 5th.
As Jupiter retrogrades until September 13th his attention and interest is in power and power dynamics, becoming the magnifying glass of justice and truth, churning up our previously failed understanding bringing more clarity, showcasing where we have erred. And with the eclipse right around the corner it will take us into one more round of sweeping changes through September.
Through mid September Jupiter will challenge our instinct and intuition to shake us once again, calling our attention to where our work needs to be dedicated, as we revisit our mistakes. His second phase is from the end of September - November where we will apply the knowledge gained going forward, which is crucial for our individual and collective growth as well as our prosperity in 2021.
Any remaining attention and work that the Gemini – Sagittarius axis is demanding of you at this time will come into play during July- early September. Now is the time to purge it all, this is a very potent and active axis one we wont have for a very long time. As we are all learning to navigate ourselves through an ever changing world now is the moment to realise how we truly wish to participate in this world and write our history.
The advantages of Jupiter in Sagittarius brings will roughly span from the end of September through November bringing a positive growth and deeper wisdom is on our horizon.
We are still in a period of time we don't know quite yet how to put together, or how to make any sense of this. The key is to remain open hearted and not in fear.
I send you a lot of love and luck with Jupiter in Sagittarius
Siri Prakash
It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you
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