In the Name of the Cosmos

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The Grace of the Guru Purnima Full Moon in sidereal Sagittarius

The Grace of the Guru Purnima Full Moon in sidereal Sagittarius on July 13th, the first Full Moon after the Summer Solstice. Especially bright from the light of the Sun still in Gemini, the beautiful Moon illuminates the earth. Jupiter, Sun and Moon are all in a Rashi Drishti, a benefic glance uplifting us by giving guidance, connection, sight, wisdom and grace. 

Guru Purnima is held sacred in the yogic tradition for thousands of years in honour of the divine Gurus, those who bring light to the earth and its inhabitants. The great sage Ved Vyasa (the transcriber of Vedas and Puranas) is regarded as the Guru of all Gurus and the Guru Purnima in India is dedicated to him. It is also said that this is when the Adiyogi (Lord Shiva) opened up the possibility for human beings to evolve consciously and awaken. 

Saturn has now returned to the constellation of Capricorn (July 12th), where he will stay until January 2023. Saturn carries the potential to become your unshakeable stability represented by the areas of life that Capricorn and Saturn rule within your personal chart.

As Jupiter and Saturn continue their retrograde cycles through the fall, they give us an opportunity to dive deep into our philosophies and values and the structures we use to support these – making change, particularly at the macro level as they travel through their home signs of Pisces and Capricorn, respectively.

Use this day for honouring your teachers and expressing your gratitude to those who have illuminated your path and given you the chance to see your light and its connection to all things.

There are four million kinds of lives which a soul can enter. After that, one gets a chance to be human, quite a rare thing in fact. Make full use of it and have the courage to magnify your light and uplift the world.

Happy Guru Purnima! II send you lots of love and luck with the Full Moon Cycle.


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