Full Moon in Pisces The Burden of the People
The cosmic address of our first of two full Moons in the month of October is 23:06 degrees of the sign Pisces, coming under the aspect of Saturn and where a bright retrograde Mars is encroaching upon the Moon igniting a lesson between our structure and illusions. The first full Moon cycle we can feel disempowered and frustrated. Money and our sense of direction is a big issue, the foundation and security found in our wealth.
Pisces Moons can give us the perception that what we do as individuals has no impact on the greater picture where we seek rather to escape. Yet within the container of Pisces is where we need not to escape but rather surrender the false idea we have of our little self and shift it into recognising our interconnectedness, that we are part of a greater whole. Don't get caught in feeling like a little fish in the ocean, see that you are the ocean, your action directs the flow. Use Saturn's and the Sun's message of creation and structure and in doing so we are able to hold the flow of prosperity.
Now that Jupiter and Saturn have both turned direct this will help our thinking, where we are becoming more clear, yet our emotions remain angered and tense for the next few weeks. When we can recognise our anger and properly direct it, we can use it as fuel to transform. With Jupiter strong depositing the Moon use it to devote yourself to your higher wisdom, elevate yourself so that you can navigate yourself, don’t allow this frustration to invert, use its momentum to make change bringing your love and absolute devotion to you, allowing it to penetrate the depths of you going beyond what feels good just for now.
I send you lots of love and Luck with the Full Moon cycle
Siri Prakash