In the Name of the Cosmos

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Virgo New Moon Love is the Real Superfood

The Sun and the Moon have their meeting in the final degrees of Virgo, in the Lunar house of Chitra Nakshatra, birthing a new Moon cycle heavily influenced by a retrograde Mercury and a retrograde Mars. Indicating that the direction is not yet clear and news of walk back plans, containing more restrictions revealing the hesitation of old weight dragging and hampering us.

With Mercury retrograding toward Virgo it indicates information that will come to us, it also signals some twists and turns for the upcoming election in the US. Mars continues to trigger anger and frustrations adding some shock and a whole lot of passion, within this new Moon cycle. The Mars-ruled lunar house of Chitra indicates an application structure, more rules, and new regulations, that simply will not hold.

On an individual level, it reveals where our logical mind and our perceptive emotional lens are under considerable stress. The positive is that the Moon does well in the house of Mercury it helps to bring clarity to our feelings, our inner world of how we process. A well-structured self-analysis that brings in healing

With the Influence of Mercury, it indicates that there is a message coming back to us now our values coming home.  Be authentic, take the time, and digest your emotions and fears rather than rushing to eliminate them, turning them into your victorious strength by facing squarely what is haunting you at your core. 

Early in the morning the day after the new Moon we begin the nine nights of the divine feminine Navatari, the auspicious celebration of the divine goddess and her forms. By remembering this divine essence that lives within us all, we can raise our vibration and our navigation. Use this energy to become victorious over your inner turmoil, stress, anger align yourself with the inner world, the world you live in remembering that you are a product of your actions, and your thoughts.

When there is panic and fear around us, it’s important to remember that we are not just humans, we are also divine beings that are connected to an infinite stream of love, light, and protection. Try your best to turn away from the anger, the division, and the hate, and instead keep holding the love, the unity, and the oneness. Knowing that Love is the real Superfood.

With so many changes and challenges, It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and see how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021

I send you lots of love and Luck with the New Moon cycle

Siri Prakash

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