In the Name of the Cosmos

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Its Takes Courage to Change, Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio Until April 2022

Rahu and Ketu change signs on September 23rd where they will remain until April 12th, 2022.

Rahu, the head of the dragon, moves into the sign of Taurus, a very materialistic place, and Ketu its tail moves into Scorpio, a place of secrets and discovery. From the sign of Taurus Rahu the head of desire will aspect the signs of Virgo and Capricorn throughout its transit.

A good way to view their affects is to understand nature, Ketu’s position in your chart is where your security paradigm sits and Rahu is where your destiny awaits.The transit of Rahu and Ketu in your chart opens two important classrooms of life over the next eighteen months. Rahu will pull you headfirst to have an experience where you are in fact inexperienced and Ketu will entice you to the place where you rather remain. 

Rahu is exalted in the sign of Taurus and Ketu although similar to Mars the ruler of Scorpio, is not so comfortable in this water sign.  We now shift from the fire and air element of Sagittarius and Gemini moving into the Earth and Water element of Taurus and Scorpio where we will experience a slow return to a flow of stability from the Spring of 2021 onward. The delay to Rahu power is mainly due to the upcoming eclipse in December, our last heavy hitter of 2020, and secondly the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction from November - April.

Arriving in Taurus Rahu is cooled.  Rahu in Taurus is focused on creating stability at any cost; this will be his primary focus for the next eighteen months. Rahu in the sign ruled by Venus is interested in our comfort, abundance, relationships, and connection to others. Rahu wants to find a better option for ourselves and the collective. 

What is key to a successful Rahu in a Taurus is to give him a target and a goal otherwise we are lost in limited desire. In the early stages of Rahu in Taurus in Mrigashira nakshatra Rahu first exposes our vulnerability then when he moves into Rohini at the end of January he brings in ways to create stability.  Rahu in the early part of his transit is the challenge. Rahu here is in the pursuit of what it wants and it wants it with ease. This is the danger of Rahu in Venus-ruled sign since we will experience the vulnerability of our current circumstances we can be easily pushed into being dictated to in order to find our relief.

Ketu in Scorpio is fixed,  intense, it is obsessive and overly protective. Ketu is the secrets to be revealed, what is hidden, what is deep inside. Ketu through his transit through Scorpio will be digging up what has been hidden and he will do it with determination and great power. Wherever Ketu is whether in transit or in our birth chart is our blind spot, where we are uptight where we retreat. Ketu in Scorpion water is difficult, it deepens the clinging of emotions and anger. Ketu in Scorpio digs out what has been hidden by authorities and what is done behind the scenes a truth we will all inherit as the natural 8th house of the zodiac.

Ketu in Scorpio a Mars-ruled sign has the energy of assertion, Mars responds to the desire of Venus and then it goes after it!  The illusion it brings is thinking that if we fulfil our hunger, we will be ok. The difficulty is we don't know what to eat sometimes, this is why it is important to have a goal for Rahu in Taurus. Otherwise, Ketu in Scorpio makes us defend, with a lot of activity without a reward, where the need to act for is only the action's sake.

Ketu in Scorpio we will be fixed with a dedication to succeed, as Rahu works to rebuild our financial structures and when Jupiter moves in with Saturn in November, Rahu will aspect both Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn where we are being pushed to get real and it will be tough then from April on when the economy improves.

Ketu in Scorpio will be very challenging for our relationships during his stay.  He awakens a clinging in our relationships but not actually taking care of each other. Rahu is unpredictable but of the two Ketu is far more mysterious. In fact, Ketu is the most important planet in our horoscopes. Often referred to as being cruel, Ketu wants to bring us to a more truthful form that tears us from our tight and fixed state where we refuse to grow. Here Ketu can great divide even further. The eclipse of November will ignite this

Ketu’s position in your chart is where your security paradigm sits and Rahu is where your destiny awaits. We are constantly pushing to the Ketu desire because it is comfortable and safe, where we are scared to let go. Yet Ketu is connected to the beginning (Sun) and the ending (Satun).

Venus, Mars will be important to watch in 2021 through early 2022 especially if these are your ruling planets or your Atmakaraka.  Additionally this will be the axis of our eclipses starting in November though 2021. The last Eclipse of 2020 on December 14th is a doozy, but the June in 2021 is good.

Overall the shift of Rahu and Ketu is far better for us an will bring in much needed relief.

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you with the transit of Rahu and Ketu.

I send you lots of love and luck with the transit of Rahu and Ketu

Siri Prakash

Transit By Ascendent and Moon

It’s important to look at their transit from your ascendant and then from your Moon. From your ascendent it gives your direction and from the Moon is how you experience it, a deep transformational shift that must occur where we all will experience our unavoidable karmic release. Its also helpful to know what Dasha you are running

Aries Rahu is in the 2nd and Ketu is in the 8th. This is a decluttering period of time, removing unnecessary factors in your life. Rahu is working to clear your past, and you will see you can become very clingy. Friendships will change and you will see people go, and you are not normally a person who holds onto things, you will put your heart and soul into change, it will also make you work on your appearance. Rahu will want you to take risks, best to leave your investments where they are. Ketu will bring in your hidden skills, make you want to improve your skills. Rahu is aspecting your 6th and 10th and activating your 2nd. This puts a lot of emphasis on earring and your work. Ketu in your 8th indicates deep knowledge.

Taurus Rahu in your first house revolutionises your life, and you will need to learn how to go with the flow, you are fixed and don’t want to move you like your habits. Rahu will take your life into a new direction for the next 18 years, this is an important cycle for you. You will be doing something new in a new direction and it is something you want to do you are pleased with it. Rahu here is exalted and has a strong desire to connect with your desire and bring you comfort. The seeds are now being planted for a bright future, with the last year and a half you have felt out of control, lost and now Rahu in your first want you to grab this chance and seize it. Ketu will also make sure you are not alone, new people will come, you will feel more in control, it is an extremely beneficial transit for you. Rahu will make you super ambitious and he will aspect your 5th and 9th, this will bring creativity and the connection with foreigners and foreign business.

Gemini Rahu in the 12th, and Ketu in your 6th, now starts to stabilise the crazy year you have had, and it will help to bring in more stability. Rahu in your 12th is a second house for him (he moves anti clockwise)this can bring travel that helps with earnings, and it will help you tie up loose ends, Ketu in your 6th will help you stabilise your health. Rahu in your 12th can make you may feel unsure of your next move. If you are feeling unclear then wait to make major decisions now, wait until April 2022 when it is a far better time for you. Moving to foreign lands is good to connect with your heart. Rahu influences your 4th and 8th houses. This can make you feel more aggressive than normal. Ketu transit is far better for you it brings strong determination to see things through.

Cancer Rahu in your 11th house and Ketu in your 5th. This is a very favourable transit for you. What you wanted will be right in front of you. Take it, don't overthink it. Rahu and Ketu want to bring you what you need and what you desire, you will receive the recognition that you desire. Income is also good for you. Ketu in your 6th house will want you to work to improve your skills and to do research, this is related to your career and you will feel very inspired to do so. If you choose to leave a study re-think this very carefully, making sure you have something to replace it. Rahu will awaken your house of siblings and your house of love and your partners, it can transform your relationships during its transit.

Leo Rahu in your 10th and Ketu in your 4th house. This eighteen months will bring you many opportunities in your career and you will be recognised for your services and for your work. If you want to change your career path you will be rewarded, very little will be held back from you now. You will be in the limelight and you will be appreciated. People are looking to you now. You will be filled with creative ideas now.  Ketu in your 4th house signals that your home life can suffer and create challenges, it also reveals that secrets can come up now about your mother's past. Don’t be afraid to turn to your family and offer support. Ketu here also creates a desire for you to move. Rahu additionally will expect your 2nd house and your 6th house and with Saturn there it will make your work life very busy.

Virgo Rahu in your 9th and Ketu in the 3rd, here you are more introspective and into your own inner being, taking you on a journey of higher education and studying and getting away from domestic life. This also indicates a move can be one that is far from home. You are taking the time to know yourself and pay attention to your values. Also it indicates a lot of travel. Things about your father and the discovery of your father's past. Challenges with your siblings now with Ketu in your 3rd house, here Ketu is bringing you a lot of courage, he is focusing on the goals of your self-discovery.Rahu will make you question your religious beliefs a lot and with his aspecting your first house and your 5th house.

Libra  Ketu in your 2nd and Rahu’s in your 8th brings in a lot of curve balls and you may have wills and inheritance that may need to be dealt with. Challenges with family and those you are in close partnership. Good Opportunities with a new partner, but it will not be stable for the first year of his transit. Rahu brings up a lot of fear here and you need to find your courage. Ketu in your 2nd house wants you to focus on your health. Rahu will bring highlight into your hidden skills and you will gain from tapping into these talents. Rahu is aspecting your 12th and your 4th house. It brings matters of real estate and will trigger some uncontrolled expenses.

Scorpio Rahu in your 7th and Ketu in your first. This will bring you a lot of opportunities to bring you new business opportunities including self employment and you will be sought out now for your skills. Rahu will put a lot of attention on your partnerships and even can bring you a new partner into your life. If you are in a relationship may change their direction and it may be unsettling you, but just go with it.  With Ketu in your first house you can see your desire to be self-reliant and to retreat from others. It can make you overly critical.  Rahu aspect your 11th and 3rd house this also indicates that good business and your contacts with foreigners

Sagittarius Rahu into your 6th and Ketu in your 12th. Conflicts will resolve and bring you relief. Unexpected travel to foreign lands in late 2021 expected. You can get your focus back on yourself and your obligations contracts . Rahu will bring you health. You are going to be pressured, but you will be very strong. You just need to take care not to neglect your health. Anything that has charity and service you will do really well.

Capricorn Rahu in your 5th and Ketu in your 11th. First, you have your ruler in your first house and now with Ketu in your 5th brings in a lot of changes, and you need to be careful Rahu can tempt you to act, avoid all speculation. It indicates that people in your life will come in trying to distract you. Ketu in your 11th house may impact your income and earnings during transit. Rahu in your 5th will bring you a lot of creative ideas, and it will give you interest in a new path with Rahu is looking 9th and respectively in your 5th. indicates changes to long term agreements including relationships.

Aquarius Rahu in your 4th house and Ketu in your 10th house brings into a lot of restlessness and a feeling of being restrained and frustrated, mainly because your career and public life is not giving you the satisfaction you desire. Ketu does not want to put you in the spotlight now and to do the behind the scenes preparing for April of 2022 You may need to move, due to outside circumstances. Rahu will bring you many visitors. Rahu will highlight your inner world and how you feel, you also may start a business from home. This is also where you are needing to do harder work and more focused work with Ketu in your 10th. Rahu wants you to support your local community.

Pisces Rahu in your 3rd and Ketu in your 11th house. This is very auspicious for you, finally, you will be back in the driving seat and give you what you want opening the door. Dream big and think about what you want to be and take a chance now, your siblings will support you. Foreign lands may not support you and you should focus on your local community. Rahu here will bring you new skills, that will support you bringing new income, Rahu will open new relationships and friendships for you and you will feel less lonely.