The Rebirth of Spirit and Will November 12th Aries Full Moon Vedic Astrology
Becoming full at 26°Aries in the lunar house of Bharani, the very place of birth and beginnings where we become alive and new experiences begin. Infused with the shakti of the divine feminine, filling the Moon with the power and will, igniting our conscious mind with courage to live in the present moment.
The full Moon energy directs us to find and express our individual strength. It brings out our warrior side, which we need to move through the world to survive, we are reminded of our most basic drives, and may feel compelled to express our individual strength and courage finding more remembrance of what it feels like to be a strong and healthy individual.
Aspected by a retrograded Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, we are in a good place to perceive our current situation with strength and Venus and Mars who are enjoying an exchange.
The day before the full Moon , on 11/11 Mercury makes a rare transit the in front of the the Sun ‘eclipsing’ it. Mercury is also being transformed and re-birthed where we are going to feel Mercury’s lessons from this point forward being delivered with more strength, it wants us to encapsulate this idea of as above, so below, so we can be in rhythm and in sync with the Universe that lives inside of us and all around us.
This full moon is the celebration of Kartik Puranmashi, the culmination of holy bathing days in India where lamps are lit on the bank of the Ganges to celebrate Lord Shiva’s victory over oppression and darkness.
It is also the anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, a great teacher of the Aquarian age revered by Hindus, Sikhs, Tibetan buddhists and Muslim alike, all claiming him as a master teacher. Celebrated throughout the world for his political, social and spiritual beliefs, are based on love, equality, fraternity and virtue, his teaching was simple, pure and timeless, we all are equal, and equally loved by God, no matter how we worship.
On this full Moon Shiva emerges victorious, Guru Nanak emerges, we too given the gift of birth emerging from what restricted and weighed us down, rising from the heaviness that has been upon us for the last two months due to heavy planetary shifts, emerging stronger and ready claim responsibility of our destiny.
The closing of an important chapter of 2019 is upon us and it will end with a dozy of an eclipse in Sagittarius. To see where this is affecting you and to look ahead in 2020 you can book a reading by following the link below or email me to schedule a reading 📩 email , slots are quickly filling up.
May we rise and learn to care for one another more deeply, hold space for peace, and for each other in every aspect of our daily lives.
I send you love and luck in the Full Moon cycle
Siri Prakash
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