In the Name of the Cosmos

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Gathering our Direction and Coming into Creation, Ashwini Aries New Moon

The merging of our consciousness with our soul at 10° this Moon marks the start of the astrological New Year in the lunar house of the Ashwini, a house that bestows physical strength the power for swift action and results. Suggesting that the next 30 days is a period where our focus turns toward matters of work and activities outside of the home as we stand at the threshold of our emergence with a need to apply what we’ve learned from our reflections, creating a shift in our priorities and how to reallocate our resources in better ways.

Notably in the the days surrounding our New Moon both of our thinking planets ( Moon and Mercury) are under fire. Our darkened Moon, our perceptive lens is under the influence of two fiery energies Mars, Sun and Ketu and Mercury our logical mind is at a gandanta point, the crossing of water into fire as it makes its way out of Pisces into Aries within two days of the New Moon.  Further suggesting that this is not the moment to hesitate or waste energy. It’s time to rise from our slumber.

In the Vedic system, the Ashwini or the Ashwin twins who ride in a golden chariot and shower healing energy down to the earth plane are the physicians of the heavens. Their shakti is the power to quickly heal and reach what they desire. Ashwini grants the power of hearing on both outer and inner levels. That is why this Nakshatra relates to secret knowledge and to miraculous powers activating our clairaudience when we are still and not impulsive. They soothe and heal our troubles through the inspiration and expiration as the natural river of prana is expressed through Ashwini. 

The shadow side of this New Moon can be a lack of awareness, anger and impatience  awakening our recklessness, all of which can be self-defeating, so if you are in the troughs of exploring your shadow side, it is important to acknowledge any resistance you may experience, opening the space and allow for compassion. 

As we are learning to let go of the past, embracing the unknown we are learning to dissolve our conceptual minds, and nourish our perceptive mind. Make sure your heart and attention is in the right place, if you can see everything as an opportunity, an opportunity to gain energy, an opportunity to be grateful, if you are grateful for it you can gain energy from it and overcome the challenge of it. When we are ungrateful it automatically takes away our energy. 

My teacher taught me in times of challenge to be grateful, to say thank you and ask God for more. This redirection of our mind and action directly changes our relation to the situation and circumstances and therefore automatically changes the effect, increasing our radiant body naturally to shine more brightly, to receive the bounty by creating a flow of contentment no matter what.

As we all undergoing a massive paradigm shift in the world and prepare to enter a whole new age in humanity, the decisions we make now will affect us for a long time to come. Meditate and qualify each moment igniting your deeply stored reserves and your higher mind.

I send you lots of love and luck

Siri Prakash

It's a great time to schedule your personal reading to see where you’re headed to review what is in store for you!

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