In the Name of the Cosmos

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Strange Winds Ketu in Svāti Nakshatra October 19th- June 26th

String the wind element with increasing power, Ketu spreads and scatters the messages of change through June 26th. Svāti nakshatra is an independent nakshatra teaching the freedom to be ourselves and set ourselves apart. refining our adaptation to the rhythm of great changes.

Schooling us in the depth of knowing. Ketu teaches through Svāti to read the flow of space and time. To know when not to be too rigid and when it is a time shift, bend and sway perceiving the limit is but never disconnecting to our strength.

It is said that Svāti is the star Shani was born under, it can indicate the karmic conclusion in our relationships and certainly will teach us humility as we untie the knots and the flaws of the past.

Svāti expression through Ketu is one of pollination from above, to spread the inheritance to the earth, the things we collectively have accomplished (or not) on this plane. Ketu can make kings and drfters.

Be cautious to desire too much need for change without having a goal for what is next. We are getting a chance for some deep repair work and life-altering changes that will reverberate into our future. The planets are communing and convening to our benefit. Listen with the very depth of you and you will be guided and remember to feed the birds, Ketu likes this

Sending you lots of love and moonlight

Siri Prakash

a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2023, the upcoming eclipses and learn how you can direct your focus and energy to get the best results.

Ps The Ketu Puranokta can be recited 108 times a day

ॐ श्रम श्रीं सरं सह केतवे नमः ||

Om Sraam Sreem Sraum Sah Ketave Namah

ॐ केम केतवे नमः ||

Om Kem Ketve Namah

ॐ हम केतवे नमः ||

Om Hum Kem Ketave Namah

Meaning- Om, I bow down to Ketu.

Or you can worship Lord Ganesh to grant you grace and wisdom