Venusian Strife and Scattering Social Credits
Filled with light the Moon arrives at her fullness in the sign of Libra, in the constellation of Swati a Rahuvian nakshatra ruled by the deity Vayu, the god of the winds and the breath of consciousness, eliciting a degree of independence and scattered emotions not knowing where to root ourselves as we seek to hold steadfast against the fast moving elements change.
In opposition with the Sun, Venus and Mercury and under the aspect of both Jupiter and Saturn. The Full Moon cycle carries an undertones of delicateness and fragility, with the Moon in a position of vulnerability.
Venus the depositor is tense and scorched as we find ourselves in ideological conflict and challenges to what we define as peace and what we are willing to compromise for societies gain.
Teaching us to find our strength and balance in the resistance like a strong wind opposing us as we keep moving up the hill. To call in and engage with our creative flow and playful side, developing our flexibility to move and adapt within the speed of change that faces us. Allowing others to have their own experience and perspective, fine tuning our patience becoming better friends and neighbours with those we perceive to oppose us acknowledging the intolerance we carry within ourselves.
Relationships come to the forefront during this cycle, as we are becoming more aware of the need to incorporate those we care for into our new ventures, realising that our individual happiness can only be as good as the state of our closest relationships.
I send you lots of love and luck during the Full Moon Cycle
Siri Prakash
It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you with the transit of Jupiter and how you can better direct your focus and energy to get the best results