In the Name of the Cosmos

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The Birth of the Lotus New Moon in Scorpio

At 7° of Scorpio the New Moon in Anuradha nakshatra opens a cycle of hope and light.

The Moon and its companions Venus and Mercury are magnified by Jupiter's aspect from Pisces on his last day of retrograde.

Venus and Mars are feeling the strength of their own signs as they form a Parivartan yoga (mutual reception/exchange). Increasing the energy of both planets and the signs Scorpio and Taurus.

Anuradha nakshatra is the star of ‘’concealment’’ and of oaths, ruled by the deity Mitra the true friend, the star field resembles a hooded snake (shelter and protection).

From our depths where we make our most valued agreements, we become a true friend (Mitra) and begin to discover our light as we climb the stalk of the lotus to have a conversation with creation.

In the darkened depths Bhrama in the tumbling of his birth needed to climb the stalk of the lotus to sit upon it in order to have a conversation with Vishnu. We too are climbing to commune with creation.

The daylight reals our earthly path and the ‘’concealment’’ of night reveals the stars and our fate.

Have a beautiful New Moon Cycle

Siri Prakash

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