In the Name of the Cosmos

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Taurus Full Moon

Illuminating our minds with the light of the Sun the Moon arrives in Mrigashira in the sign of Taurus coming to a clear still point that calls for us to pause and assess.

The final Full Moon of 2019 and the longest full moon of the year, brings our attention to the relationships we foster, the creative methods we employ to create of lives and the earthly delights we partake in.

Our minds are seeking stability in our hearts amidst turbulent times and the grounded Taurus Moon grounds our approach directing us to be simple and direct in stabilising our minds, resources and values.

This Moon reveals our lacks and desires, and to pose questions around values and abundance. At the same time, we are turning inward to investigate our self-worth. How do we speak to ourselves? How do we treat ourselves through the relationships we choose?

We might notice that how we speak to ourselves projects onto our surroundings. If we constantly tell ourselves we are in lack, how then do we feel about our friends, our loved ones, and our environment? This Moon is calling for us to take better care of ourselves and to recognise the connection between our bodies, hearts, and minds, along with our worlds.

This last full Moon of 2019 can bring up some concrete issues around money matters that are in need of attention, it serves us to question our priorities moving forward, defining our wealth and to see what's really there.

We are in the midst of a great transition ahead with the eclipse on the 26th of December, this will set the stage for a powerful acceleration of growth and change into 2020. Schedule a reading 📩 email or click below to find out how this will affect you.

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I wish you love and luck with the Full Moon

Siri Prakash

Hamburg New Years Workshop

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