Expansion of Grace Venus in its Earthly Abundant Sign of Taurus May 4th- May 28th
Having moved away from the Sun, Venus now strong in the sky joins with Rahu and Mercury forming an interesting transactional trio. Mercury and Venus are both in a bright spot for most of May. Mercury, our communications and ideas with the planet of relationships, compromise & agreement, together in the sign of tangible value & material wealth is a good thing. Both are expanded and amplified by the desire of Rahu where we will find agreements are easier to achieve. But wait there is a catch…………...
This one comes mid-month when Venus, Mercury, and Rahu exactly conjunct on the 17th causing confusion and the presenting of misleading information and bad faith agreements it is not recommended to rush into any major financial decisions or get involved too quickly in a relationship until you learn a bit more about the person or situation.
Overall May is a good time for feeling expansive, refining our skills, expressing pleasant natural human qualities of, generosity, creativity, and connectedness as our relationship skills are overflowing. Directing us back to our hearts as we enjoy deeper connections with our family and close friends.
Venus in its peaceful earthly sign of Taurus, bringing with it the uplifting energy to connect with the natural world as we begin to express our natural selves once again.
Another gift of Venus that will leave us this month is her emergence as the evening star by mid-May where her energy is kinder and softer throughout the summer.
I wish you a lot of love and luck with the transit of Venus.
Siri Prakash
It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you with the transit of Jupiter and how you can better direct your focus and energy to get the best results