In the Name of the Cosmos

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Jupiter in Aquarius - Getting Through It

image credit wjtekstark

The lord of wisdom, law, knowledge, and expansion moves into the sign of Aquarius on April 5th during his transit he looks to the signs of Gemini, Leo, and Libra. While there is some goodness with Jupiter moving away from Saturn increasing our sense of hope. Jupiter won’t give his fruit collectively until the end of November.

As the second sign of Saturn Jupiter's transit into Aquarius indicates continued restriction and new controls. Jupiter placement here is the law that meets the regulatory systems signaling a time for fundamental reorganization in new uncharted directions.

As Jupiter takes distance from Saturn it improves our outlook and gives hope but we are not yet free or out of the woods. Jupiter will only move up to 8° and then station, retrograding on the 21st of June returning to Capricorn on September 15th. Jupiter’s initial entry into Aquarius is plowing the field for 2022 where the results are far better.

Aquarius is a progressive yet tumultuous sign, it is the fight between the individual self and the collective, the sign that smashes the ego, a sign that changes the plans we have going forward. Co-ruled by Rahu, Rahu's influence on Jupiter is inauspicious indicating an expansion period without proper planning or understanding of the consequences that will have to be reshuffled when he returns to Capricorn. in September.

Jupiter operating in the second sign of Saturn (Aquarius) and now placed in the second house from Saturn’s transit, indicates slowed growth in transactional resources and physical transactions. It also a period where we are all looking at the balance sheet of financials.

Beginning April 14th when Mars moves into Gemini, under the aspect of Jupiter suggests an increase in cooperation between people and nations, which also means more restrictions, newly enforced rules. As mentioned Jupiter is law, Mars is the enforcement, and Gemini innovation, technology, and the exchange of ideas.

May 22st - July 22nd very challenging period with Jupiter in a Rahu ruled nakshatra Satabhishak. Saturn will retrograde on May 23rd and Jupiter retrograding on June 21st making both planets more powerful.

During his time in Aquarius Jupiter’s separation from Saturn brings a gain of knowledge insight and information exposing what is unreliable making it easier for us to make choices and feel more secure. Our judgment is improving with his distance from Saturn this brings us more stability and helps to ground us and give us direction.

Another positive is that Jupiter will be independent while transiting the sign of Aquarius with the exception of being joined by the Moon giving upliftment to us all.

Jupiters’ initial entry into Aquarius is not lollipops and rainbows, we are feeling better and feeling clearer. When Jupiter re-enters into Aquarius in November he will race through Aquarius to Pisces in arriving in April of 2022 to give us relief, gains, and the flourishing of our transactions once again through May of 2024 as he is also powerful in Aries.

We will get past the survival mode and move into thriving once again as there is a lot of light ahead. Jupiter protects the earth, it moves the Sun giving it momentum we only have a short distance to go.

Maintain your dreams, goals, hopes, and positive outlook combined with your discriminating mind. Uplift one another, this is all of our duty. Work on your nervous system if it is weak then it is divorced from your personal power.

I wish you love and luck with the transit of Jupiter in Aquarius.

Siri Prakash

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you with the transit of Jupiter and how you can better direct your focus and energy to get the best results