In the Name of the Cosmos

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The Give and Take of Equitable Exchanges New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Libra

The Moon joins the glorious Sun facing his zone of discomfort, Venus the lord of the sign is combusted by the Sun, their presence with Ketu is like a rebirthing for us all.

The eclipse is coloured by emotional intensity and tenacity to discover our unconscious intentions, motivations, and desires that drive us. Mercury 12th from the eclipse is working behind the scenes where our logical mind is evaluating.

In this cycle of the eclipse, what is being asked is what are we saying yes to.? The eclipse with Ketu, represents our karmic past, purging unprocessed grief and emotions will be required to allow a new beginning. The sense of belonging is being shaken as a means of resetting.

Venus is a planet that promotes fair play, it wants better deals for us. Venus is a planet very interested in our benefit, it likes a good deal. Venus with Ketu revals is the deals that have to change arising out of conflict.

Just two days before the eclipse Saturn resumed direct motion and is heavily aspecting Libra and all within it. Saturn brings the aspect of urgency to make a change by showing the challenges plainly and practically to us.

Combust planets tend to have trouble getting their message across, so be sure to check the noise vs. the true signals by checking the house the eclipse occurs in and get your assignment clear.

The intensity of the eclipse will be more prominent if you have planets in Libra, have planets at 7° degrees or if Venus is your Atmakaraka.

Look to the agreements that you may feel are out of balance ask for the presence of light to show the way and ask for the divine blessing of Lord Ganesh to clear the way, Sarawati to grant you grace, truth and wisdom and Goddes Lakshmi to bless you on your way

I send you lots of love and blessings in the eclipse cycle.

Siri Prakash

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